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Holy Spirit as you speak

From the Boundless Life collection

Holy Spirit as you speak

To both challenge and console

Every church and all the world

To empower and to make whole

Do we listen, do we heed

What your wisdom has to say

To our fantasies of mind,

To our erring feet of clay?


From a mother your word comes

Or as wisdom of a child.

Through the prophets you bring light,

Sometimes fierce and sometimes mild.

At each threshold we are met

And confronted as we leave.

We can meet you in our mirth,

Or the times we need to grieve.


You now speak a warning word

Of the crisis humans face.

“You must choose to save the Earth

Or bring chaos to your race.

Your economies must change

To control the power of wealth

And abuses riches bring

Which destroy your spirit’s health.”


O Great Spirit whom we praise

May our worship strengthen us

To transform our selfish minds

Past the thoughts which we discuss.

As communal oneness grows

We embrace the life of Earth

And adopt the sharing ways

Which affirm each person’s worth.


Text and Music © William Livingstone Wallace

Click here to see the score:  Wallace.Holy Spirit As You Speak

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