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Transfiguration Eucharistic Prayer

Presider: God be with you

People: And also with you

Presider:  Open your hearts

People: We open our hearts to God 

Presider:  We embrace all that is holy as we sing:  (Sanctus)

Presider:  Through the cold and dark of winter, we have heard Jesus’ teachings, the many ways he calls us to live fully.  As the first disciples might have done as they gathered at table together, we remember these teachings, and this call:

Speaker 1 – Jesus calls us to be salt of the earth, light of the world.

Speaker 2 – Jesus calls us to be reconciled, one with another, and to put away anger.

Speaker 3 – Jesus calls us to love even our enemies.

Speaker 4 – Jesus us calls us away from worrying and being anxious; he calls us to trust in God.

Presider: Finally, we hear of Jesus transfigured on the mountaintop, a vision of all that he will become, and we hear once again God’s affirmation: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him”.

Co-Presider:  We often find it hard to listen, hard to follow Jesus’ words, and we often fall short. But even as God showed Jesus in the fullness of his potential, we share in that potential as God’s beloved children. As we strive to live into this fullness, we remember how, on the night before he died…

May these gifts of bread and wine strengthen us to answer Jesus’ call.  May we receive them as the very being of Christ in us, body and blood, transfiguring us for new life and new freedom.

And now, as Jesus has taught us, we pray:

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