Jeff Sessions’ Outrageous Bible Interpretation

Dear Readers:

The recent statement by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, defending the horrific separation of children from refugee parents on the basis of his tortured reading of Romans chapter 13, as well as Donald Trump’s recent statement that he wants Americans to treat him the way North Koreans obey their dictator, illustrate the critical need for our churches to stand publicly for a radically different version of the faith and for a very different direction for our country.

One way to manifest our commitment is to study the Bible with resistance-colored glasses, and invite our neighbors to join us. Start a RESISTANCE BIBLE STUDY group in your church today. Go public with it! Let your neighbors and your local press know that you are offering it. This free resource for progressive churches was written by Rev. Jim Burklo, author of Mindful Christianity, and is being continually updated.

Rev. Jim Burklo, Associate Dean of Religious Life, USC
Website: MINDFULCHRISTIANITY.ORG Weblog: MUSINGS Follow me on twitter: @jtburklo
See the GUIDE to my articles and books
Associate Dean of Religious Life, University of Southern California

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