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Our Abuse of Religion

By |2023-10-17T14:04:57+00:00June 22, 2019|

Some religions today are a vehicle for “a purely secular ideological program.” They are a form of “political fanaticism.” As such they are ignoring many of the most critical issues facing human civilization; theologically and otherwise.

Addendum to book: Sixth Extinction ?

By |2023-10-17T14:01:05+00:00December 3, 2017|

In recent years biosphere degradation has been forcing many scientists and nonscientists to focus attention on the interacting dangers within the relationship between our human species and this planet. Many are concluding that we humans have become an ecological force contrary to biosphere stabilization and that this is so serious it could lead to our extinction. Renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking is now sounding the alarm. He has even predicted that we have less than 600 years before the planet turns into, as he describes it; “a sizzling fireball.”

The Need for a New American Formula

By |2023-10-17T13:57:38+00:00June 29, 2016|

The time has come for serious introspection in America. The Nation is locked in a race between self-discovery and self-destruction. It is losing that race. It needs to recognize that the present equation does not equate. It is off-balance. America needs to reformulate a new equation. More wars based on the old equation will not do. Unfettered release of the human psyche as we now see in the current political scene will not do. And as for that critical evangelical Christian voting block; they need to understand that the Nation will be saved not by their belief in Jesus as their Savior, but by living his example.


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