About the Author: David Robson

The Rev. Canon Dr. David John Robson holds graduate degrees in theology and education from several institutions and is the author of Postmodern Spirituality in the Age of Entitlement. He spent his ordained Anglican/Episcopalian ministry equally in eastern Ontario and central Pennsylvania. Beyond parish work, he served as a volunteer hospital, police, and fire department chaplain.
  • By Published On: January 9, 2025

    It started with Jesus. After his death, his inner circle of followers called the disciples, along with other followers, continued his extensive call to care for and love others. They were called to a ministry of service.

  • By Published On: January 9, 2025

    Attempting to cope with an ever-increasing flow and flood of information, knowledge, and data, we skim and scan, instead of deep reading and absorption. David Robson weaves numerous thoughtful and stimulating viewpoints from other noted experts combined with his timely insights into how our world was affected by the shift to a post-modernism society. This substantial work was written after years of research, study, and contemplation with the goal of stimulating each reader on their own path of spiritual awareness and personal growth.