About the Author: Jacqueline Lewis

Jacqueline Lewis is Senior Minister at Middle Collegiate Church in New York City. Lewis is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and earned her Ph.D. in Religion and Society/Psychology and Religion at Drew University. Lewis, ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA), serves on the Multiracial Congregation Task Force of the Reformed Church in America. Lewis has been Adjunct Professor at The Graduate Theological Union and Union Theological Seminary, and is currently on the Doctor of Ministry faculty at Wesley Theological Seminary. She is a nationally recognized speaker and preacher on the topics of racial justice and reconciliation, and has been interviewed on NPR’s Weekend Edition, in Forbes Magazine, and has been a featured speaker on 30 Good Minutes. She blogs for the Huffington Post and is the author of "The Power of Stories: A Guide for Leaders in Multi-Racial and Multi Cultural Congregations".