I Am God: Wisdom and Revelation from Mystical Consciousness


“A rich treasure of living mystical wisdom from a modern American saint.

I Am God by John Robinson is a stunning find, a shockingly rich treasure of living mystical wisdom from a man who (if I may declare something that Robinson has certainly not declared in this book) has clearly become a modern American saint. Every word is vibrant with genuine spiritual experience, from the preface to the final poetic benediction. The book’s initial pages are a non-Biblical revelation in themselves. It was genuinely transformative for me to read this book, and that is saying a lot for someone who has been a dedicated spiritual seeker for decades! Friends, I Am God is pure nectar. Each poem whispers obvious, yet long-hidden divine truths, in language that undeniably reveals that the source of this writing is none other than the Source itself. Each word flows from Robinson’s direct experience of the Divine. And each poem is a wide-open, loving invitation for each of us to enter into that same state of Oneness, and taste the sweet bliss of being the God who we all truly are. The book is truly a roadmap to a new spirituality, one that has the potential to heal humanity, and it is a map which any sincere seeker can follow – not with intellect alone, of course, but with sincere intention, yearning, and a wide open heart. By blossoming into his own unique God-Realization, and sharing with us the sacred fruit of his life-long spiritual quest, Robinson has given an extraordinary gift to mankind. Allow yourself to receive it now – this exquisite gift of being God.” – Ram Das Batchelder, author of You Are the Divine Totality in Human Disguise, Rising in Love, and other books.

“My experience on reading from the book, I Am God – I came to the book hungry and was fed. I came to the book seeking and let go. I came in thru darkness and emerged in light. I came to the book with knowledge and found mystery. I came to the book as small and emerged as all I came to the book with questions and found my breath. I came to the book thinking I knew only to find wisdom beyond wisdom. I came to the book in time and went into the absolute. A book that can take you beyond the beyond, open your heart and give wings to your soul.” – Elizabeth Bell, 2024

“This book helps us alter our perspective on our lives. Ultimately, we need to change our own hearts and minds in order to bring about more peace and compassion in the world and in our lives. This book offers a way to reconstruct our place in this world. It is well worth having as a daily companion to remind us who we are. A grateful reader.” – Fred Plumer

“This book reveals the deep mystical experience of the author. It invites the reader to go deep, be still, encounter Great Mystery (God) in many kinds of mystical moments. These are opportunities for the reader to enter into deep awareness of the compassion at the heart of the universe. It encourages one’s spiritual nurturing and journey. It will take this kind of deep awakening for us to move into a healthier human communal experience.” – J. Melvin Bricker

“In a world awash in separation and violence, John offers the reality and felt experience of our oneness and deep abiding peace. John’s is the timeless vision of our shared mystical reality – updated to 21st Century sensibilities. John reminds us that we all have this reality in us. These are times that require us to locate and experience our sacred connection with each other and the divine / source/ God and aspire to be our own unique expression of that love in every thought, word and deed . John offers inspiration, ideas, models, images and words for this most essential journey. A great read !!! ” – Montgomery Smith

John Robinson is a clinical psychologist with a second doctorate in ministry, an ordained interfaith minister, the author of ten books and numerous articles on the psychology, spirituality, and mysticism of the New Aging, and a frequent speaker at Conscious Aging Conferences across the country.




Ways to connect:

John Robinson’s Website
I am God’s Website
Facebook – I Am God, You Are Too


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