Let’s Rejoice As The Followers of Jesus
Cosmic Mystery Series
Let’s Rejoice As The Followers of Jesus
Barry Brinson
- Let’s rejoice as the followers of Jesus,
Let’s rejoice with all who walk the Pilgrim Way,
Let’s embrace every path of Resurrection,
Let’s affirm God’s goodness this and every day.
We are called to embrace the Jesus pathway
To be freeing all the captives and the poor,
We are called to delight in people’s difference
While affirming that of God within their core.
- Let’s beware of condemning other people,
And the use of any poisoned verbal lance.
There are many ways up the sacred mountain
But the summit turns our climbing into dance.
Let us hold hands renewing our commitment
To promote good health and justice everywhere
Reconciling old hurts and recent ruptures
Through transforming love that conquers every fear.
- From God’s love we obtain a caring model
To the wholeness God we bring each fractured part.
We pursue pilgrimage with God the pilgrim,
In the God of hope we rest our questing heart.
Let’s together make Alleluia our song,
Alleluia, Alleluia all day long,
Alleluia in light and in the darkness,
Alleluia is the place where we belong.
(Shout) Alleluia
Text © William Livingstone Wallace
Music © Barry Brinson
Click Here for Sheet Music – Rejoicing
Click Here for MP3 – Rejoicing
Click Here for Full Index to William L. Wallace’s Series Hymns “Cosmic Mystery”
William (Bill) Livingstone Wallace is a retired New Zealand Methodist Minister and one of our most prolific contributors. Bill says that his work springs from communicating with the fire in his gut and his observation of both the internal and external aspects of the Cosmos. Since an early age, he has been both sympathetic to and critical of the church, announcing at the age of 13 his belief in evolution. In his youth, he struggled with the disconnection between art and spirituality in his own and other denominations and with the way in which all of the liturgies prior to the sermon were regarded as preliminaries and longer sermons were viewed as superior to more concise ones.
He holds a B.A. in philosophy and a Dip. Ed. and is the author of nine published collections of his hymns as well as other resources on our website. His aim is to help people be empowered by the divine within them and the Cosmos and to work to overthrow the forces of personal and institutional greed which destroy both the ecosystem and human society.
Click Here for a Full Biography of William L. Wallace
Click here for a complete list of his work on ProgressiveChristianity.org