A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 20: Courage


A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 20: Courage

Courage does not mean fearlessness and is a quality that exists within all beings and can be accessed at any time. We need only to turn inward to face life’s challenges with the courage that is already ours. Feeling anxious or fearful of new outward circumstances is normal for most people, but finding the courage to face those circumstances means recognizing that our divine nature is perfectly equipped and we have the inner resources to handle challenges.


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Each Year One Lesson includes:

Teacher Introduction/Getting to the Heart of the Lesson, Teacher Reflection, Spiritual Affirmation with full color Art, Original Story, and Activities, Bible Verses, Wisdom Quotes


Lesson 20  from Year One is about: Courage


“Courageous Corrie”


Original Story: Courageous Corrie


Affirmation: I meet life’s challenges with inner strength and courage…


Getting to the Heart of the Lesson


Courage does not mean fearlessness and is a quality that exists within all beings and can be accessed at any time. We need only to turn inward to face life’s challenges with the courage that is already ours. Feeling anxious or fearful of new outward circumstances is normal for most people, but finding the courage to face those circumstances means recognizing that our divine nature is perfectly equipped and we have the inner resources to handle challenges. The message we want our children to hear is that feeling fear does not mean they are flawed or lacking something. Fear is a signal that tells us to take action — and the answer to what action is needed comes from our wisdom within. Being courageous is acting even though one is afraid. Jesus and other wisdom teachers and social justice leaders all had to face fear along their path at some point, most likely at many points. If we look at the example of Jesus, the Bible has many stories of his courageous actions.

courage affirmation2



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