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Audio Sermon: Gathering 83: “Restoring Dads”

Jesus was about restoration. In a first century society steeped in labeling and separating the outcasts, be it a leper or demoniac, Jesus’ mission was all about restoring freedom to all individuals in bondage. Flash forward to today. Not much has changed. With 92% of the incarcerated being fathers, this Father’s Day took on a whole new meaning for the 2.7 million children with a parent behind bars. Our criminal justice system today is less about restoration of the incarcerated then it is about containment. So, where does that leave us as a society? Could there be a better way to restore wholeness for us all?

Join Pastor Tony Minear, Ph.D., Church of the Beatitudes as he explores Jesus’ response to the imprisoned and the outcasts. Discover three key ways we can respond as followers of Jesus that mirror that restoration. See the transformation to wholeness that can occur when we inform ourselves of the strengths and weaknesses of our criminal justice system and work to align it with what Jesus believed.
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