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Family Service

St John’s Church, Norton Summit, Australia


Today we celebrate a service called “Eucharist” or “Holy Communion”. Eucharist is derived from a Greek word meaning simply “Thanksgiving”.

We gather together to share a representational meal, sometimes called “The Lord’s Supper”, which Jesus instituted and during which we remember and give thanks to God for his life, his self-giving death and world-changing resurrection.

We aim to present a service that offers accessibility to real Christian understanding and faith for people in today’s society who come with a broad range of needs.

This is a style of worship which, whilst upholding the dignity and beauty of the traditional Anglican service, allows us of the twenty first century to reflect in a more liberal, personal and meaningful way on the meaning for us of Christ’s life and death.

Together we will proclaim reconciliation and belonging as a community of love, together exploring the mystery of God’s loving presence amongst us.

If you are visiting we extend a special warm welcome and urge you to feel free to participate fully in this service.

When the time comes to receive the communion you are welcome to come forward with the others and do that, or come forward and simply receive a blessing if that is your wish. To receive a blessing rather than communion simply fold your arms when at the altar rail.

Please respond with the words in bold type




Grace to you and peace from God our Creator, who is the Love we know at our beginning, and then without end, in our midst and within us.

God is with us – here we find new life.

God be with you.

And also with you
God is with us, here we find new life.



God is Love and those who live in love live in God and God lives in them.

The peace of the Lord be always with you.

And also with you

(All may exchange a greeting of peace)


LITANY – Please Sit

We are community

Embraced by the mystery of God’s love for all creation

We are a community that looks for the light of Christ

The light that shines in every time, every place and every life

Within this dynamic community we foster connections and experiences that bring meaning to life and help us face the issues of our day.

Together, we strive to live with loving hearts, open minds and welcoming hands extended to all.

We are a community bathed in the love of God.


O God, you are our Mother and our Father: creating us, nurturing us, teaching us, inspiring us, defending us, raising us up, sending us out, restoring us when we fall, sustaining us with your love and endowing us with the Earth’s abundance. Grant us always your wisdom and strength so that we may grow into our inheritance as your children and faithful stewards of your creation. Amen.

PRAYER OF THE DAY – See Pew Bulletin

HYMN – Please Stand






We confess our shortcomings to God, our need for reconciliation and our need for renewal that comes through God’s grace. We know that God’s love is infinite so we seek forgiveness with confidence.


We now pray together:

Loving and all-knowing God,

Forgive us where we have failed to support one another and to be what we claim to be.

Forgive us where we have failed to support and help those who are in need.

Forgive us where we have mistreated your magnificent creation.

Forgive us where we have failed to serve you; and where our thoughts and actions have been contrary to yours, we ask your pardon.


God forgives you. Forgive others. Forgive yourself!

God the creator brings you new life, forgives and redeems you.

Take hold of this forgiveness and live your life in the Spirit of Christ Jesus.





OFFERTORY PRAYER – Please Remain Standing

Thank you God for all your gifts to us.

We offer these gifts for the needs of others and to proclaim your love. Amen.




God be with you.

            And also with you.

Open your hearts.

            We open them to God.

Let us give thanks to God.

            We offer our thanks and praise.

It is right to praise you, O God, for you are the Ground of our being, in whom we live and move.

At the beginning you created the elements from which we and all creatures have evolved: galaxies and planets, our
sun, the earth and moon, plants and animals, individuals and nations, every substance and spirit.

            You gave us your creative spirit to make friendships and families, art and     music, love and compassion.

You gave us power to acquire the secrets of our mother earth, to honour her and care for her, as she cares for us.
 We have done this and more: also misusing our creative power. But you continue to love us, calling us back to what you created us for, offering us infinite possibilities.

And so we join with all the creation that praises you, in every time and place:

            God of eternity, spirit and matter all express your splendour.

Please Sit or Kneel

We take this bread and wine, and we pray that by your Word and Spirit we who eat and drink them may know a closer experience of your presence.

On the night before Jesus died, he shared food with his friends.

He took bread, blessed and broke it, and giving it to them said: “Take and eat, this is my body which is given for you and for many. Do this to remember me”.

He took wine, blessed it, and giving it to them said: “Drink this all of you. This is my blood which is shed for you and for many; do this to remember me”.

            To God be glory forever. Amen.

We who are many are one body

            For we all share in the one bread

The gifts of God for the people of God. Come let us take this Holy Sacrament remembering that Jesus died for us, and feed on him in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving.

(All are welcome to come for communion or to receive a blessing)


Loving God, you have created all humanity in your image and likeness, and have revealed your plan and purpose in calling us your friends and family.

As we have shared this holy meal, inspire our hearts to see every man, woman and child given the dignity and value which is your purpose and your gift.

O God, strengthen us in our desire to serve you and others, and breathe into our bodies the passion of your love. We pray this in the name of Jesus, to whom we again commit ourselves. Amen.

HYMN – Please Stand


May God’s perfect peace be within you;

God’s love and blessing surround and hold you;

And God’s passion inspire you and bring you new life. Amen.

May the sacred spirit of life’s adventure
keep me safe when I feel afraid, make me steadfast when I am sad, restore my discretion when I am angry and sustain my pleasure when I feel happy.
For with generosity I grow in faith, by kindness I develop hope, through patience I nurture love, from inclusion I spread peace, even while I face disappointment.
Remind me to serve those less fortunate than myself. When I encounter unfairness teach me how to fight for justice.


Go in peace to love all and to serve God in the world.

In the name of Christ. Amen.

If desired, before beginning conversations, please feel free to take a few moments of
quietness to reflect on this time together in the presence of God

Please join us for morning tea.



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