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Free Weekly Contemplation Email

The Educational Center has been publishing issue-centered story-based spiritual resources since the 1940s. Their maieutic (midwife) educational methodology guides participants in an exploration of the weekly Revised Common Lectionary through a series of questions and activities which ask the following about the weekly text:

  • What is happening in the text (story) and who are the characters?
  • Where is that story happening in the world today? Who are today’s characters that are playing a part in this story?
  • Where do you experience this story in your community, at your job, with your friends or family?
  • How is this story your story? Where does this story live within you?
    The Educational Center offers a free WEEKLY CONTEMPLATION email which provides the weekly text, a series of guided questions/activities and an applicable image. Sign up here.


    Want to learn more about issue-centered education and the maieutic method? Awakening the Fire Within is a primer/textbook on issue-centered education and available for purchase here.

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