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Gender-inclusive Bathroom Signs

Last month, PCU leadership discussed our need to respond to anti-transgender rhetoric and discrimination in our society. It’s easy to condemn bigotry but harder to think of creative ways to respond. We determined that we would find a way to promote gender-inclusive bathroom signs in progressive churches.

We found an organization making such signs, and they have agreed to sell them to any church who wants one at a discount of 40% from their regular price. Just go to their website, pick out the sign you want to purchase (can choose color, shape, and image) and put in the following code: PCU40. You can read more about the campaign here.

We ask that any church that buys a sign for their facilities also take a picture with some members, share it with us, and promote it on twitter with the hashtags: #HateFreeRestrooms and #YouCanPeeNextToMe.

Some churches may already have a sign up as part of their pro-LGBTQ stance. Share those pictures as well! Here is one from First Congregational Church / (a)Spire Ministry as an example:


In the midst of ongoing violence against the LGBTQ community in Orlando, and their exclusion from the majority of faith communities, we who are unapologetically LGBTQ affirming must show our commitments to our siblings in Christ. This is a small step for our congregations, but it is one that embodies Christian values through our unambiguous welcome of transgender persons.

I look forward to seeing those sign pictures soon!


Timothy Murphy, Executive Director
Progressive Christians Uniting
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