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Resurrecting the Magdalene Online eCourse

Resurrecting the Magdalene is a six-lesson, self-paced, e-course created by Lauri Ann Lumby, transpersonal educator, author, spiritual director and ordained interfaith minister. The purpose of this course is to reveal and share in the deeper and hidden truths about the Magdalene and her time with Jesus; including her roles as student, initiate, co-equal partner, wife, facilitator and witness to the resurrection, and the one sent to continue Jesus’ mission of being love in the world. Participants are empowered through the course to reclaim their own Divine Feminine and are activated to be a vessel of Divine Love in the world.

Through Jesus’ guidance, Mary achieved the goal of the human experience—to become both fully human and fully divine. In doing so, Mary embodied the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in perfect harmony and it was through this integration that she was able to grasp Jesus’ original teachings and bring them forward into the world.

2000 years ago, the world was not ready for her teachings, but today we are. Join us as we explore the deeper and hidden truths about Mary Magdalene revealed during her time with Jesus: her roles as student, initiate, co-equal partner, wife, facilitator and witness to the resurrection, and the one sent to continue Jesus’ mission of being love in the world.
This Course concludes with acceptance into the Order of the Magdalene Christ through which you are empowered, through your own unique gifts and passions to fulfill the mission of LOVE in the world.

To learn more about this course and register, please go to the online portal at Mystery School of the Goddess

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