
Faith communities can be a “safe place for uncomfortable conversations.”  For example, in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, many congregations have embarked on a conversation about race, or gun violence, or stereotypes and profiling, or any of the host of issues underlying that situation.  The topics are uncomfortable because they make us confront our basic assumptions and unconscious prejudices.  But being willing to talk about them is the beginning of broadening our understanding, the first step to ever having the world be different.  With whom can you have “uncomfortable conversations”?

Responsive Reading

Leader: The presence of God is surely in this place. People: The presence of God is everywhere.

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Eternal Fury Fires the Saints

Eternal fury fires the saints, who shake and rattle, push and shove, who challenge every bland excuse, who seek for justice, work for love.

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Interfaith Discussion Starter

What has been your experience of other cultures and religions:

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