
The world continues to be rocked by racist hate crimes, some carried out in churches and synagogues, of all places. Even as we mourn the loss of innocent lives, the lasting legacy of for many will remain the powerful image of forgiveness.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was right. Only love can do that.

Worship Materials: Guilt, Shame and Forgiveness

THEME The path to destruction and the path to new life.

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Sermon: Forgiveness

Before we can move on, though, we need to be honest with ourselves. Before we can get to the prayer, “Create in me a clean heart” (51.10), we have to face our sins. Saying, “Create in me a clean heart,” reflects an inner desire for God’s purification. The words are a confession of our need for change. It’s so easy to point to the killer, the public official who said the wrong words, the rioters at the Capitol, the conspiracy theorists, and the anti-vaxxers. We say, They’re the ones with a problem. They are the hateful ones. Not me.

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Commentary on a Parable about Forgiveness that Is Unforgiving

Let us use our moral imaginations to try to give Jesus the benefit of the doubt (just as we should do with each other in our daily lives). We all know that there are those who are poor and suffering who still side with the wealthy and healthy rather than with their own people. It is ironic, but we see such things common even in our own time.

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