Yearly Archives: 2011

In Congressional budget debate, ideology returns

The budget proposals put forward by GOP Congressman Paul Ryan attest to a fact that has been somewhat obscured in our nation’s political life: Ideology is back. The reason I say this fact has been obscured is that the Tea Party has not exactly been the kind of intellectually coherent movement the word ideology suggests. The ideology of the Tea Party has been “No.” It is now clear that the people standing behind the Tea Party do possess a coherent ideological stance and that stance has a name: Social Darwinism.

By |2022-08-03T23:00:57+00:00April 8, 2011|Journalism|0 Comments

Religious voices have a place in the state’s budget cut discussions

For some Christian leaders, now is the time to get prophetic about the effects of budget cuts on those Jesus called us to protect: the poor, marginalized and hungry. “A budget is a moral document,” read a recent ad in Politico. “Our budget should not be balanced on the backs of poor and vulnerable people. We ask our legislators to consider ‘What would Jesus cut?’”

By |2022-08-03T23:00:57+00:00April 8, 2011|Journalism|0 Comments

Standing in Solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Libya

World Student Christian Federation – North American Region Standing in Solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Libya As students of the WSCF – North American we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters of Libya who are currently experiencing attacks, threats, killings, and other crimes being committed by the inhuman Libyan regime. Recent stories from our brothers and sisters on the ground are indicating that the level of violence is unprecedented. Some 1000 people have died as a result of the “brutal crackdown against protesters.” Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is not moving and has indicated that he refuses to give in to the legitimate demands of the people. His government has issued threats to “purge by house and … inch by inch” and do whatever it takes to hold on to his “iron grip on power,” while countless of Libyan towns and cities are being taken over by pro-democracy groups...

By |2022-08-03T23:00:57+00:00April 8, 2011|Petition|0 Comments

Hearings on Muslims could harm us all

Beginning this week, Rep. Pete King, R-N.Y., will use his role as chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee to convene hearings on what his website calls "al-Qaeda's coordinated radicalization and recruitment of people within the American Muslim community." This premise has set off alarm bells, especially in the Muslim community, but also among many others.

By |2022-08-03T23:00:57+00:00April 4, 2011|Journalism|0 Comments

Busting the unions

The bloodiest battle ever fought in the Western Hemisphere essentially happened by mistake in the summer of 1863, when Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia -- maneuvering blind into southern Pennsylvania -- blundered into elements of George Meade's Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg. Once engaged, neither commander could back away. In political terms, something similar seems to be happening in Wisconsin...

By |2022-08-03T23:00:57+00:00April 4, 2011|Journalism|0 Comments

Egypt deserves a constitution that fulfills the aspirations and needs of the people

After Mubarak's resignation, Egypt stands today at the dawn of a new era. It is an era borne of the ingenuity, sacrifices and dedication of an entire nation. We remember and recognize all those brave men and women who lost their lives but have ignited and galvanized the movement of change. The past eighteen days have been a testament to the spirit and integrity of the Egyptian people. It is with great pride that we witnessed the exemplary behavior of Egyptians people during nearly three weeks of some of the most intense and anxious moments in the nation's history.

By |2022-08-03T23:00:58+00:00March 7, 2011|Journalism|0 Comments

WikiLeaks Row Intensifies as US Makes ‘Privacy’ Move Against Twitter

The irony of the Clinton speech coming on the day of the court case was not lost on the constitutional lawyers battling against the government in Alexandria. The lawyers also cited the Tunisian and Egyptian examples. Aden Fine, who represents the American Civil Liberties Union, one of the leading civil rights groups in the country, said: "It is very alarming that the government is trying to get this information about individuals' communications. But, also, above all, they should not be able to do this in secret."

By |2022-08-03T23:00:58+00:00March 7, 2011|Journalism|0 Comments

TCPC is Changing its Name!

You may have noticed that some changes are being made to The Center for Progressive Christianity- like our new name-  In the next couple of months we are also going to be improving our website and clarifying our mission.  Our name change and logo change better reflects our mission to provide a global network of progressive Christians as well as offer support and tools to create local and global communities.

By |2022-08-03T23:00:58+00:00February 22, 2011|Announcements|0 Comments


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