To be on a spiritual journey is to be constantly evolving our “mental models” about how the world works, how we fit into it, who or what God is (or isn’t) and how God works in the world. Scientists use mental models all the time.
“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of all true art and science.
The Earth needs our help, and what better place to tell that story than in our worship liturgies?
All wisdom traditions understand the need for letting go. And all wisdom traditions understand how difficult it is for humans to do this.
If you want to understand how we could live in a world where every religion speaks of peace and yet every nation is eventually involved in war, look no farther than what we teach our children.
A friend once described herself as a “knitter,” but she wasn’t talking about yarn. She likes to bring people together and help create beautiful things from their unity. What a wonderful mission that is!
So many ways to experience the Spirit… and yet if one believes that the universe comprises an objective reality that exists whether or not the human species is present
When I wake up in the middle of the night and my mind relentlessly gnaws on some bone of contention, I try to remember Snoopy’s observation:
The world continues to be rocked by racist hate crimes, some carried out churches and synagogues, of all places.
Creativity, imagination, intuition… they are all related. We find them when we’re willing to let go of our left-brain, analytical, see-it-to-believe-it mentality.
Spring and Summer bring Gay Pride days to many cities, and an opportunity for those supporting the LGBT community to acknowledge our solidarity.
Pentecost is often called “the birthday of the church.” With the institutional church going through a period of turmoil and change, it’s not obvious what kind of birthday will be celebrated generations from now.
Our planet is the same size it’s always been, and yet it is shrinking at an astonishing rate.
We all have reasons why we don’t do the things we say we want to. Our minds and hearts know the person we want to be and the life we want to live, but it seems awesomely difficult sometimes to put that knowledge into practice.
Celebrating the diversity of religious traditions. On the first Sunday in May- this year, May 5, 2013 (or other times during the year) – churches dedicate their worship to a celebration of our interfaith world.
A memorial service is a curious creation. On the surface, we behave as if the service is for the person who has just died.
We must move beyond a spirituality focused simply on the divine and the human to a spirituality concerned with the survival of the natural world in its full splendor,
The restless, curious, ever-questioning human mind… every new door we open leads to new explorations, new questions, new discoveries, and more doors.
Springtime is for planting, one of those everyday expressions of great faith. We plant seeds and water and weed them, and expect a harvest of zinnias or zucchini.
Are you perpetually preparing? Always looking ahead, getting ready for the next event, the next project, the next vacation, the next thing you think you need to do?
How astonished we are to discover how much of life is actually not under our control! We carefully maintain an illusion of control because it gives us comfort and security.
More music and more composers and lyricists! ... Progressive Christian worship music is out there -- but it does take a little searching. Singing together has its own rewards, and church is one of the few remaining venues where we do it regularly. So it’s worth the effort to find music that your particular congregation will find meaningful.
Solitude is becoming ever more precious in our overly-wired world. Lent is the perfect opportunity to give yourself the gift of time alone.
Progressive Christians are constantly challenged to claim the title of Christian -- in the sense of being a follower of Jesus’ teachings -- while letting go of most of the dogma that has been developed over the centuries by the human institution that is church.