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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 1: The Nameless One, Who or What is God?

By |2023-11-25T23:15:59-08:00March 9, 2016|

This lesson presents just a few ways to open discussion with children and help them explore both the concept of an infinite, omnipresent, impersonal God and also the concept of a deeply personal, divine presence. Neither can be completely understood by any form, expression, or outward experience.

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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 11: Self- Control

By |2023-11-25T23:19:33-08:00February 27, 2016|

When we put our highest selves in charge, our inner joy and understanding grows. Children can learn to feel for the right direction within and to recognize that every impulse is not the right one simply because it is there. Every time we remember to put our highest self in charge, the more inner joy and freedom we experience.

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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 12: Stillness

By |2023-11-25T23:19:51-08:00February 26, 2016|

Taking time to be in stillness is important for physical and mental well-being, and it is absolutely vital if we want an inner experience of spirit. It is not easy to quiet the storms of excitement and learn to be comfortable with stillness. Providing opportunities to practice is a priceless gift we can give children.

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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 13: Learning Patience

By |2023-11-25T23:20:15-08:00February 25, 2016|

The slow-moving currents in the ocean depths move in a rhythm untouched by the ever-changing surface of the sea. As we tune into patience and learn to feel a deeper rhythm, we discover that the eternal currents of the cosmic ocean of energy also flow unchanging, despite the storms that blow in material realities.

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