About the Author: Terri Murray

Terri Murray holds a Master of Theology Degree from Heythrop College, University of London. She is co-author of Moral Panic: Exposing the Religious Right's Agenda on Sexuality (London:Cassell, 1995). She is currently pursuing a doctorate in Social and Contextual Theology at Brookes University, Oxford. Her articles have been published in Philosophy Now magazine, Tikkun magazine, Journal of Social Philosophy, and others. She is an American who presently resides in London, UK.
  • By Published On: October 2, 2008

    The Christian right's pundits present this set of abstract concepts - moral "values" sanctity of life, and Christianity - as their core values. Over and over again they have successfully framed complex issues as oppositions between these core values and their opponent's position. This has worked partly because, instead of engaging in an analysis of these concepts, they equate them with a set of public policies that are assumed to meet the conditions that define them. Thus it would appear that if you do not support their policies, you cannot support moral values, the sanctity of life, or Christianity. A closer examination of the fallacious reasoning underpinning each of the Christian right's core myths will follow.

  • By Published On: July 7, 2008

    We can never know with any certainty whether or not Jesus claimed to be divine, since he didn't sit down and write on that topic, or any other.What we can know, from reading what evangelists recorded about his life and teachings, is that his ethic was not reducible to exterior rules of normative behaviour, but emphasized the intention of the agent over catalogues of right and wrong acts.