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Worship Materials: Advent

From the Festive Worship Collection

By |2023-10-17T13:54:03+00:00December 13, 2014|

Theme: Dreamtime Reality -- Season of Hope Thoughts for Reflection To travel hopefully is the mark of a pilgrim. To believe one has arrived is the mark of the insecure.

The darkness and the light

From the Boundless Life collection

By |2023-10-17T13:53:27+00:00December 10, 2014|

The darkness and the light shall be one, The sorrow and the joy linked in wonder, Life shall dance, The song be sung And the golden fire burn brightly In the hearts of the children of the Earth.

When the child is at the center

From the Boundless Life collection

By |2023-10-17T13:53:35+00:00December 3, 2014|

When the child is at the center, When the babe is in the stall, When the adult nurtures wonder, When the carols warm us all, Then the fragments come together And the vision shines as one

Taste and See

By |2023-10-17T14:04:02+00:00November 29, 2014|

Taste and see how gracious the Christ is, Taste and see the wonder of life; Take the bread, the body of Jesus, Break the bread, the flesh of the world; Taste and see the wonder of life.

O golden cup of life

From the Boundless Life collection

By |2023-10-17T13:53:33+00:00November 27, 2014|

O golden cup of life, A chalice full of love, The space beyond all strife You form our sacred home, Your ways produce delight, Your life becomes our own.


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