TeenText – Teen Curriculum, Middle School – Years A,B,C (Set 1)


TeenText – Teen Curriculum, Middle School – Years A,B,C (Set 1)

The lectionary-based TEENTEXT MIDDLE SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource–one that can inform them throughout their lives.



TeenText – Teen Curriculum, Middle School – Years A,B,C

Set 1 (PDF Version)


Where God’s Story and Teens’ Stories Connect

The lectionary-based TEENTEXT MIDDLE SCHOOL resource helps younger teens connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives.  These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic, relevant resource–one that can inform them throughout their lives. These resources enable any interested and committed adult to facilitate the discussions since the leaders aren’t expected to have THE answer or to be Biblical scholars or theologians. They simply need to be good listeners and open to their own spiritual growth. This process also allows the students to share leadership.

TeenText resources:

Engage the Learner
Honor life experience and the wisdom of stories
Stimulate critical reflection
Initiate responsible choice-making
Encourage personal and social transformation
Create vital connections between the individual and universal patterns

How It Works:

TeenText is different! Instead of providing youth with answers that “come from the Bible,” these resources meet the students where they are eagerly and passionately grappling with growing up and becoming who they are. In this educational setting, the student is the curriculum, not the written study guide.

TeenText helps youth connect the text with their lives by helping them get out of their heads and into their hearts. The format encourages their ownership and continued exploration and application beyond the classroom. Meeting them where they are lowers barriers and invites connections. “Between Sundays” questions help keep students connected to the text during the week.

Each session is organized around questions in three main categories:

GO DEEP (What’s happening in the story)
BE REAL (How is this happening in my world today?)
LET GO (How is this happening in my own life today?)

Each weekly lesson also includes links to optional supplemental materials to support the week’s text using movie clips, YouTube videos, classical and contemporary art, music, and poetry.

Click here for a sample of Middle School TeenText

Click here for the TeenText Leader Guide

Click here for More TeenText Options


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