About the Author: Dr. Linda Seger

Dr. Linda Seger, is uniquely qualified to write this book - a theologian, author, and speaker with three M.A. degrees, two in Theology, and a Th.D. in Theology and Drama. She is the author of 13 books and has been a speaker and seminar leader in over 30 countries. Linda is also one the world's foremost script consultants. She comes from a long line of Lutherans who were theologians, ministers, and missionaries. She worked during Seminary at a United Church of Christ, and has had close relationships with denominations ranging from Baptist to Catholic. She's been a Quaker since 1970 and is a member of the Colorado Springs Friends Meeting. She is married, lives in the Rocky Mountains near Colorado Springs, Colorado and is a Democrat.
  • By Published On: May 26, 2017

    ICE (the immigration agency) recognizes churches, hospitals, and schools as sanctuaries, which means they have never invaded those spaces to deport anyone. Of course, schools are only sanctuaries during the day, and hospitals only for brief hospital stays. So, sanctuary churches are important because they can take in those in danger for days, weeks, months, or longer. Most who take sanctuary are at a church for just a few months.

  • By Published On: September 14, 2016

    IF JESUS WERE ALIVE TODAY, WOULD HE: Feed the poor--or give tax breaks to the super rich? Comfort the old and infirm--or cut Social Security? Make war--or make peace?