About the Author: Emily Heath

Emily C. Heath is a pastor and writer with a passion for making the mainline church relevant and vital again. A sought after preacher, speaker, and program leader, Heath's work goes beyond telling churches and their members about the next new fix, and instead calls them back to the centrality of God's love and grace. Having grown up as a "none", someone without religious faith, Heath is uniquely qualified to address matters of faith in an inclusive and seeker-friendly style. Heath's work helps both individuals and their congregations to deepen their sense of purpose, live lives of meaning, and thrive.
  • By Published On: March 29, 2019

    Mainline Protestant denominations are dying, while conservative traditions are flourishing. "Nones" are the fastest growing religious demographic in the United States. A pastor and self-proclaimed former "none," Heath possesses an excellent understanding of church growth and the lack thereof, and frequently draws upon that experience when look for ways to welcome people to church.