About the Author: Lee Van Ham

Born to a Dutch-English, tenant-farming family in Iowa, Lee Van Ham went on to pastor congregations in Chicago and Lincoln, NE, for 32 years before switching to work explicitly on the interplay between justice, ecology, economics, and spirituality. In 1999, Van Ham joined others in forming Jubilee Economics, a nonprofit focused in OneEarth living. He and his spouse, Juanita, were part of the intentional community, Peaceweavings, in Chicago, before relocating to San Diego in 2002. They have grown children and five grandchildren. He has written workbook collections of group processes for small groups, magazine articles, and newspaper columns. He blogs regularly at theoneearthproject.com. His writing is motivated by his deep desire to be part of the conversations and actions that are moving civilization from empire to a living community with all of Creation.