About the Author: M. Dolon Hickmon

M Dolon Hickmon is a child abuse survivor, a writer and an anti-abuse activist. He married his wife in 2007, and they have one daughter together. Mr. Hickmon dedicates his time and skills to advocating on behalf of mistreated children, often in cooperation with children's rights groups and other advocates. His writing has been amplified on news websites including AlterNet, Salon, and via The Spiritual Abuse Survivor's Blog Network, and his opinions have appeared in newspapers such as The Scotsman, The South Lake Press, The Post-Searchlight and others. Mr. Hickmon's original research continues to be cited by many and was included in a 2010 civil rights presentation to a committee of the US Congress. His hobbies include pleasure reading, songwriting, and playing acoustic and electric guitar.
  • A Review of Vanishing Grace by Philip Yancey

    By Published On: March 10, 2015

    I was attracted to Philip Yancey’s Vanishing Grace (Zondervan, 2014) by the back-jacket copy: ‘“Why does the church stir up such negative feelings?” Philip Yancey has been asking this all his life as a journalist. His perennial question is more relevant now than ever: in a twenty-year span starting in the mid-nineties, research shows that favorable opinions of Christianity have plummeted drastically—and opinions of Evangelicals have taken even deeper dives […] Why are so many asking, “What’s so good about the “Good News?”’