About the Author: Matthew Syrdal

Matthew Syrdal M.Div., is a pastor in the Denver area, visionary and founder of Church of Lost Walls, a Denver-based wild church and co-founder of Seminary of the Wild, an eco-spiritual training program for leaders on the edge of spirituality and ecology. Matt has begun a new venture seeding an online project called Mythic Christ, developing a mystery school for awakening mythic imagination and ritual embodiment, and is launching a new podcast coming in September of 2022. Matt speaks at conferences and guides immersive nature-based experiences around the country. Matt has a mentoring and coaching practice as a certified Wild Mind nature-based human development guide through the Animas Valley Institute. His work weaves in myth, archetype, dreams, deep imagery and ceremony in nature as a way for people to enter into conversation with the storied world in which they are a part. Matt’s passion is guiding others in the discovery of “treasure hidden in the field” of their deepest lives cultivating deep wholeness and re-enchantment of the natural world to apprentice fully and dangerously to the kingdom of god.