About the Author: Norm Carroll

Norm Carroll studied seven years for the Roman Catholic priesthood in the seminary of the Franciscan Friars at Graymoor, NY. He studied four additional years to become a Doctor of Chiropractic but pursued his powerful passion for spirituality and theology through ordination to the diaconate in 1979. In 1994, he gained his Doctor of Ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation. Dr. Carroll initiated in 1996 a 15 year career of preaching over 200 hundred parish retreats throughout the United States. Deacon Carroll published his first book Miracles, Messages and Metaphors in 2010 and his second book The Whole Story in 2018. He was suspended in 2013 by the Archbishop of Miami for stating in private conversation that the church had the ability to ordain women. Eventually, he joined the Episcopal church He also chairs the At Risk Children Foundation which houses, feeds, and educates orphans in Haiti.