A Communion Liturgy for Pentecost Sunday
In a world dry and thirsty
Living Water flows;
In a world fainting and breathless
Divine Wind blows;
In a world cold and dark
Spirit’s Flame glows;
Spirit has always been here, and we open our awareness
to perceive her and receive her.
Spirit is here! We give thanks and celebrate!
Divine Mystery,
Your breath fills the universe and makes it alive.;
We praise you, Divine Life, for the gift of Spirit.
Your love blows through all creation and makes it one;
We praise you, Divine Lover, for the gift of Spirit.
Your presence fills every corner, your voice fills every silence,
and your heartbeat lives within every living thing;
We praise you, Divine Presence, for the gift of Spirit.
But we have failed to value the life of other people,
other creatures, and the world You have given to be our home.
Forgive us, Divine Life.
We have failed to recognise the connectedness of all things,
and have brought pain through division and exclusion.
Forgive us, Divine Lover.
We have denied your presence, ignored your voice
and forgotten your love for us and all that you have made.
Forgive us, Divine Presence.
Silent Confession
Divine Spirit, we recognise the ways we have brought pain to you,
to others, and to ourselves.
For Christ’s sake we ask you to breathe new life into us,
wash us clean, and ignite the fire of love in our hearts again.
We believe in the Divine Creator of all that has been made;
the Parent of the whole creation.
We believe in the Divine Saviour of all that has fallen;
the Restorer of our broken world.
We believe in the Divine Life of all that lives;
the Love that binds all things together
in one divine family.
Let us invite the Divine Spirit to blow through our lives and our world,
as we lift our needs in prayer.
We pray, Divine Spirit, for all who have lost faith in themselves,
in others and especially in you.
May Spirit renew and inspire them again.
We pray, Divine Spirit, for all who have lost their hope
in what life can become
for themselves and for all people.
May Spirit encourage and challenge them again.
We pray, Divine Spirit, for all who have lost their ability
to love freely and recklessly.
May Spirit comfort and soften them again.
Silent prayers are offered
Divine Spirit, fill the world with your peace,
fill communities of faith with your purpose,
and fill us with your power,
For the sake of your Reign.
The prayer that Jesus taught may said together
We celebrate the Divine Spirit, who hovered over creation
and brought order out of formlessness.
We praise you, Spirit.
We celebrate the Divine Spirit, who filled Jesus with power and wisdom
and, through him, made divine life available to all.
We praise you, Spirit.
We celebrate the Spirit, who has been poured out
on all people, and leads us into the Reign of God.
We praise you, Spirit.
And so, as we gather at this table,
we recognise Spirit’s Presence among us,
and we open our hearts to Spirit’s influence.
God, we come knowing that we depend on you
for life and truth and love.
We come knowing that you welcome us with open and accepting arms.
We come ready to meet with you,
and be changed by the encounter.
The Lord Jesus, on the eve of His crucifixion,
gathered his friends for a meal.
During supper, he took a loaf of bread, and gave thanks for it.
Then he broke it and passed it among them with these words:
This is my body which is broken for you.
Take, eat and remember me.
After the meal, Jesus took a cup of wine and gave thanks for it.
Then he passed it among them with these words:
This is my blood which is shed for you.
Take, drink and remember me.
So now, we eat and we drink, and we remember Jesus
and the Divine Love he showed us.
Spirit, as we share this bread and wine, let it be a sharing
in Christ’s body and blood, Christ’s life and presence;
And may we embody your life, love, and presence
in our homes and community.
Communion is received
Thank you, Divine Spirit,
for this meal of remembrance,
and for coming to us as we have shared it.
May the love we find at this table
be reflected in our lives;
May the power we receive at this table
make us peacemakers and healers;
And may the Spirit who fills us again at this table
lead us to be those who proclaim God’s Reign
in every word we speak
and in everything we do.
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Written by John van de Laar © Sacredise Publishing (Sacredise.com)
John van de Laar is the founding director of Sacredise.com, a liturgical training and publishing organisation. John is also the founder of EvoFaith.com and EvoFaithTribe.com, a progressive online community rooted in evolutionary spirituality.
John is the author of The Hour That Changes Everything, Food for the Road, and Learning to Belong. John lives in South Africa with his wife Debbie and they have two sons.