Discovering Fire: Spiritual Practices That Transform Lives

Is it “Christianity meets Burning Man,” “Richard Rohr meets Russell Brand,” or “Communion Wafers meet Psychedelic Spirituality”?

Yes! This and more — all coming together in Roger Wolsey’s Discovering Fire. Igniting a spiritual expansion that bridges religious and non-religious sensibilities, this is a deep and intimate dive into a profusion of spiritual practices. Promoting diversity, respect, and a deeper connection with the Divine, Roger explores the intersections of Christianity with shadow-work, dream work, the Enneagram, yoga, astrology, tarot cards, shamanism, ecstatic dance, psychedelic plants, and more. With passion, cultural sensitivity, grounding in tradition, and the heart of an explorer Roger offers a go-to guide for the 21st century seeker, be they religious, spiritual, or anywhere along the spectrum of that human experience of longing for healing encounters with the Mystery some call God.

In Discovering Fire, Roger Wolsey, author of Kissing Fish: christianity for people who don’t like christianity, reduces the mutual allergy and wariness that religious and non-religious people have about each other. He helps religious people realize that God is meaningfully at work through certain spiritual practices that many non-religious people are engaging in; and he also helps non-religious people acknowledge that certain Christian practices really can help those believers grow, transform, and evolve in ways that the world needs — and he helps people from both groups increase their appreciation and gratitude for the Great Spirit at work in it all.

Roger helps people within the Church to better understand how their family and friends who aren’t part of “the faith” are experiencing practices that connect them to the presence of Spirit in their lives — and are helping them to heal, grow, and thrive; and he helps the growing portion of society who have apprehension about Christianity appreciate how contemplative practices within it provide time-tested ways their Christian friends and family might employ to sense the vital presence of Spirit in their lives — and help them to heal, grow, and thrive.

Discovering Fire helps the different traditions, lineages, and generations respect, connect, and commune with each other and the Divine — and share the planet with greater ease.


Discovering Fire is full of warmth, crackle, and gentle luminosity. If you feel you’ve been shut out in the dark, around this campfire you’ll find welcome, sanity, and serenity. All of Roger Wolsey’s fires may not be right for you, and he doesn’t prescribe them: he just shares — with humility and honesty — what experiences and practices have brought him light and warmth on his spiritual journey.”     ~ Brian D. McLaren, author of Do I Stay Christian? 

“So many of us feel like we’ve outgrown, been betrayed by, or just plain been run over by conventional Christianity. Roger Wolsey’s been there, too. But he hasn’t let the setbacks of the journey snuff out the ember of what we Methodists call our “strange warmth.” Discovering Fire is like having access to the cathartic diary of a spiritual survivalist who, in making his way through struggles both familiar and offbeat, sheds light on practices both pedestrian and pioneering. Don’t be shy! Let Roger help you stack that kindling in new ways. All you’ve got to lose is cold feet.”   ~Rev. David Felten, coauthor, Living the Questions: the Wisdom of Progressive Christianity  

“Roger Wolsey’s Discovering Fire is the long-awaited follow-up to his groundbreaking book, Kissing Fish. Fans of his will love this new book, as it does a beautiful job of presenting a type of Christianity more relatable to and relevant for those who can’t‘ find value in the version of the faith promulgated by more ”mainstream’ teachers and preachers. ~ Matthew Distefano, author of The Wisdom of Hobbits, and columnist for Patheos

In Kissing Fish, spiritual director and pastor Roger Wolsey gave readers conceptual frameworks for reconsidering Christianity in a way that’s intellectually coherent, morally generative, and compassionately grounded. Over a decade later in Discovering Fire, he deepens this conversation by showing us how to practice a wide-awake faith that’s centered in the Way of Jesus while embodying a spiritual hospitality that includes fuel offered by neighboring traditions — and rediscovering hidden sparks within our own. Take up this book if you’re wanting to rekindle your spirit to a roaring flame but be aware: the fire-starters Roger describes might rub you strangely at first as they’re heating up. He leaves nothing he’s found helpful out, from contemplative prayer to circling, fasting, to plant medicine, tarot reading and ecstatic dance. Discovering Fire is an unflinchingly honest dive into generating genuine heat and light, for progressive Christians and the spiritually homeless alike. Highly recommended.” ~ Mike Morrell, co-organizer, Wild Goose Festival; collaborative author with Fr. Richard Rohr, The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation

“There’s been growing divide between religion and spirituality. Much of society has written off organized religion as a source of spiritual connection and growth, and many Christians have become disillusioned and have come to doubt if their faith is relevant. Roger’s Discovering Fire bridges the chasm by excavating the Christian lineage and showing how some of its lesser known practices can provide needed healing in human lives; and by sharing how the Divine works through practices from other lineages to foster transformative wholeness – salvation.” ~Stephen Mattson, author, On Love and Mercy

“At the heart of Christianity are practices that keep body and soul together and restore us when we are broken. Practices that give voice to our souls from the depths of our psyches. Practices intersecting and resonating with the practices of other spiritual and faith traditions. Christianity is active, cultivated compassion – not assent to dogma. Down to his bones, my friend Roger Wolsey gets all this, and through his lively, brave, and engaging writing, gets others to get it as well. Discover the fire burning behind one of the most important voices in progressive Christianity today!”    ~ Jim Burklo, author, Tenderly Calling: An Invitation to the Way of Jesus, and Executive Director, Progressive Christians Uniting/ZOE: Progressive Christian Life on Campus

“It’s become a chaotic spiritual world. Though Christianity remains the world’s largest religion, it’s declining in the West in part because it is perceived as not meeting people’s spiritual needs. Fortunately, many spiritual movements offer tools that can help us engage with God. We just need a spiritual sherpa to help us navigate such broad and varied spaces. With Discovering Fire, Roger Wolsey provides just that. Discovering Fire is a deeply personal book for Wolsey and it comes through on every page. It will be a deeply personal book for you too.” ~ Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin, Pastor, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, Greensboro NC, Director, ProgressiveChristianity.Org 

Discovering Fire teases apart the complexity of the Christian tradition so light can be shined upon the golden thread, connecting back to the authentic teachings of Jesus. Sharing vulnerably his own story of suffering, seeking and deconstruction, Wolsey makes the reader feel seen and understood. Removing the toxic layers of the institutional Church from the mystical and prophetic teachings of Jesus, the reader is reminded of the possibility of complete transformation when fully engaging in spiritual practices that range from ancient Abrahamic practices to modern transcendent practices. After all, what do we all think Jesus was doing for 40 days in the desert? He was not, I am certain, judging and condemning those who didn’t follow him, but rather radically entering into deep and life changing spiritual practices to strengthen his connection to the Divine, to become more self-aware, to clear the mind and find the wisdom within. Perhaps he was doing so with the aid of plant medicine, breath work, ecstatic dance, chanting, meditating, and fasting. During a time when people are leaving the Church in droves, Discovering Fire, invites us on paths of self-discovery, of finding God within, and of deep healing. Roger is a fellow bridge between Christianity and interfaith spirituality and I applaud his commitment to the search and discovery of the fire within and how he shares it with the world.” ~ Rev. Deshna Charron Shine, Interfaith Minister, Author and Ritualist, Former Ex. Director of ProgressiveChristianity.Org and Progressing Spirit. Executive Producer of the Embrace Festival


Rev. Roger Wolsey is a United Methodist pastor, is the author of Kissing Fish: Christianity for people who don’t like Christianity and blogs for Patheos as The Holy Kiss. Roger serves on the Board of Directors of ProgressiveChristianity.Org. Roger served as the Director of the Wesley Foundation campus ministry at the University of Colorado in Boulder for 14 years and has served as pastor of churches in Minnesota, Iowa, and Colorado. He currently serves as the pastor of Fruita United Methodist Church in Colorado and as the “CRM” (Congregational Resource Minister) for the Utah/Western Colorado District of the Mountain Sky Conference. His newest book is Discovering Fire: Spiritual Practices that Transform LivesVisit his website here.

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