God Wants Us to Know


God wants us to know where we live,

to open our senses to now

and this and here,

because wherever we are is God.

Divinity pours through the world

like sunlight through silk.

In this radiant splendor,

why would we go anywhere else?

It’s all God –

this grass,

this bench,

this heat,

this bird call,

this blackberry bush,

this water,

this consciousness.

In this consecrated moment,

we are sacred, too.

That’s also what God wants us to know.


John Robinson is a clinical psychologist with a second doctorate in ministry, an ordained interfaith minister, the author of ten books and numerous articles on the psychology, spirituality, and mysticism of the New Aging, and a frequent speaker at Conscious Aging Conferences across the country. Click here to see his books and articles – visit his website here.

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