Invitation To Flow

Flow is an experience of Heaven on Earth.

It happens magically during wide-awake,

thought-free, sensory awareness.

You can find it in gardening, folding clothes,

rocking a baby, or singing to a favorite song.

In flow, we take each moment exactly as it is,

without modifying thought, goal, plan, or judgment.

Focusing on our own physical being,

we surrender to its pure energy

and find ourselves dissolving into fluid, easy, spontaneous,

even dance-like motion filled with soul.

It just happens,

effortless, timeless, eternal, like a river.

Float in it.

But be alert to ego’s siren call for control,

analysis, impatience, frustration, self-consciousness,

embarrassment, or simply “getting back to normal.”

 With a single complaint, we trade

enlightenment for ego,

and the prison doors of the mind close again.


From John C. Robinson’s book:  I Am God – see the book here.

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