Jeff’s Journey

By Published On: July 11, 20210 Comments on Jeff’s Journey


Jeff’s Journey

by Dr. Rick Herrick

This passionate love story is set in the picturesque village of Valle Crucis in the North Carolina mountains. Within the warm embrace of Abby Dunbar and among his many friends in the Valle Crucis community, the Reverend Jeffrey Peterson heals the scars from a failed ministry and psychological trauma. The love story is fun and engaging, the spiritual ideas are explosive. While readers from the Christian right will burn Jeff’s Journey, the millions of Americans searching for new forms of meaning will feel they have finally come home.


“The power of love resounds through Rick Herrick’s vibrant new novel, Jeff’s Journey. An ever-widening circle of love grows from one courageous man, Jeff, at the center to encompass his family, his friends, his work, and his community in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina to create this emotionally honest and large-hearted story.” ~ Holly St. John Bergon, Associate Professor of English, New York State University

“Jeff’s soul has gone crinkly dry, has wandered from life’s springs while doing good. A religious professional, he’s journeyed beyond the beliefs that once drew him, and beyond the marriage that once held him. Readers will journey with Jeff as residual life buds re-constellate in him. A more lively, complete person emerges, capable of more honest relationships and tender, bold love. The epilogue — don’t read it until you arrive there or you’ll diminish your experience—brings the book to a strong finish. Along the journey are life decisions and conversations about faith that move beyond conventions. You may or may not like the direction they go, and that makes the read all the better.” ~ Lee Van Ham, director, One Earth Jubilee Ministries, Author of The Liberating Birth of Jesus


About the Author:
Rick Herrick has a PhD from Tulane University, is a former tenured university professor and magazine editor, and is the author of four published novels and two works of nonfiction. His musical play, Lighthouse Point, was performed as a fundraiser for the Martha’s Vineyard Museum in 2013.

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