LGBTQ+ Hymns

By Published On: August 19, 20200 Comments on LGBTQ+ Hymns

Amanda Udis-Kessler shares LBGTQ+ hymns along with the sheet music – just click on the title of the hymn to open the PDF Sheet Music.

Blessed Are the Poor: a contemporary take on the Beatitudes

Days of Rage and Days of Hope: an LGBTQ Pride hymn

Fearfully, Wonderfully Made: a celebration of our embodied lives

A Gift for the Altar: a church inclusion song, first published in Shaping Sanctuary

God, the Soaring Eagle: a celebration of all the genders of holiness

Jesus Called Lazarus: a hymn about coming out into life

The Kingdom of God is the Queerest of Nations (tune: Kremser): celebrating Jesus’s vision of Love’s Domain

The Light Comes as a Rainbow: a queer take on the covenant

Oh, Jesus Had Two Fathers: a hymn for kids of same-sex parents

Queerly Beloved: An exultant opening/gathering hymn, first published in Songs for the Holy Other

Shake the Dust off Your Sandals: a hymn about going where our gifts are welcome

Testament to Love: a hymn about rejection and acceptance

Today, We Come with Heavy Hearts: a hymn of confession

We Are Setting the Rainbow Table: a hymn in preparation for communion

We Asked for Fish: a hymn about open hearts and closed doors

We Will Not Curse what God Has Blessed: a hymn of LGBTQ+ affirmation

When Jesus Set His Table: an inclusive hymn in preparation for communion

(Amanda Udis-Kessler, c. 2020)

For more Hymns put together by the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada click here to go to the hymn collection Songs for the Holy Other: Hymns Affirming The LGBTQIA2S+ Community.

Amanda Udis-Kessler is a songwriter and published composer of sacred music (, a writer (sermons, other worship materials, adult faith formation curricula, a sociology monograph, and other writings), and community educator on matters of religion, social inequality, and social justice. She has a sociology doctorate from Boston College and a certificate from the Iliff School of Theology. She is the Director of Assessment and Program Review at The Colorado College. Contact her at

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