Making A Difference
Making a difference is a deep motivation for many of us.
A way I’ve found perennially inspiring is gathering information from diverse sources, and joining them up. It’s dot-joining taken to the next level.
This method creates coherence and wholeness from the fragmentary and chaotic. It restores an Inner Web of Life, starting with ourselves. It underpins – and roots – environmental educational projects. It’s a sustaining force, with the potential to be deeply inspiring and fulfilling.
For it to work, though, this Inner Web of Life needs to be made conscious. Its holes mended.
As a Creative Writing teacher, prize-winning poet turned eco-lyricist, I invite you to experiment with this independent-spirited way of seeing.
The 90 EcoSongs I have written have celebratory, uplifting and empowering eco-lyrics set to famous out-of-copyright song-tunes, anthems, carols and hymns. It’s an intergenerational project, based on music that, often enough, has been re-purposed many times. The healing harmony is embedded, the visionary made plain, the vibe raised from speech to song. This last point is important.
Birds give us the biomimics model, following and using their communicating style of song. From a human yogic point of view, the fifth chakra of the open throat powered by the open heart, allows the heart-led its full potential as song. Singing heals, harmonises, restores wholeness to the mind, body and spirit. Done in service to the Earth and nature educationally, it’s something any child can do with a favourite song to personalise it in our eco-conscious era.
To give more power to our natural human desire to contribute makes a difference. It’s good to shine lights from different angles on the basic validity of deliberately synthesising brain-use.
As science accesses more advanced technology, it moves slowly towards First Peoples and indigenous ways of seeing and integrating life. Science and spirituality are not holding hands yet, but their fingertips touch more frequently.
Lynne McTaggart’s concept of the Field, the Fabric of the Universe, also called the Quantum Hologram, Nature’s Mind, the Mind of God, are a few of the reference points. A landmark study in the proven effect of group meditation on Peace to reduce conflict was the International Peace Project in the Middle East. The group-mind is powerful, and that power is available to us all as individuals.
Medically, through the placebo/nocebo experiments, it’s been over-proved that what we believe is 50% responsible, at least, for our reality, our self-created Inner World. As co-creators we set up the connection, as we create our own Inner Web of Life.
One question I ask my Creative Writing students is: ‘What do you want to do? Reflect society back at itself? Or offer a vision of Future Possible?’
But that is not the end of this story.
Gregg Braden, in ‘Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer‘ highlights a crucial difference in how we approach prayer. To ask for what we want and haven’t yet got seeds a mindset of yearning and longing which the Fabric of the Universe then mirrors back to us. Stop here for a moment, and consider how current culture’s commerciality reinforces this exact same mindset!
It may be the only one we habitually access. We may be unconscious of its deleterious effects.
The necessary transformation comes about through a feeling-prayer setting an entirely different field. Believe, as a co-creator, it is already yours. Back the prayer up with gratitude, praise, thanksgiving, celebration. These are resident within each one of us at a basic child-like level, for the Gift of Life.
In religious-speak, it’s easily reframed as great faith.
To ward off the over-logical and pragmatic arguments, take two more steps.
Deeply believe we are only at the start of discovering the depth of interconnectivity we have with nature and the universe.
See the human mind, our precious miraculous bio-computers, as filters. Filters which gravitate too easily, too automatically, to the mechanistic rather than quantum appreciations. As genius-scientist Albert Einstein said: Imagination is more important than knowledge. Could it be that Einstein was even more right than he knew!
What we think about grows. As we know, growth morphs into evolution, at all levels. It is our human contribution to growth we are talking about here. It is available to us all. It costs nothing but a little more mindfulness in the way our species, homo sapiens, uses its awesome human consciousness.
To make a difference.