Matthew Fox Interview with Eric Alexander: Part 1 of 3: Finding Peace in Life’s Challenges
This clip was part of a discussion between Eric Alexander and Matthew Fox. In this clip Eric outlines the litany of issues that encompass the human condition and asks Matthew how we might finding peace in the midst of them, and Matthew offers an incredibly insightful response.
Matthew Fox is an internationally acclaimed spiritual theologian, an Episcopal priest, and an activist who was a member of the Dominican Order for 34 years. He holds a doctorate, summa cum laude, in the History and Theology of Spirituality from the Institut Catholique de Paris. As a spiritual theologian, he has written 30 books that have been translated into 48 languages and have received numerous awards.
You can watch Part 2, Finding Peace in Life’s Challenges, HERE
Click here for info on Matthew’s new book, Sins of the Spirit
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