Prayers for Progressive Christians, A New Template
Michael Morwood’s previous book of prayers, Praying a New Story, received wide acclaim. Awarding the book among the Best Spiritual Books in 2004, Spirituality & Health Magazine commented, “Invigorating, poetic and imaginative… the perfect resource for small groups interested in exploring new avenues of devotion and spiritual practice.”
Morwood goes beyond “devotion and spiritual practice” in Prayers for Progressive Christians, A New Template. In the first part of the book he summaries the key theological shifts that necessitate changes to liturgical, group and personal prayer. In the second part he demonstrates how these major shifts in theological thinking can be incorporated into a new template for meaningful, contemporary prayer.
Part One: Praying What We Now Believe
Why Prayer Should Change
The Purpose of Life
The kingdom of God
General Principles For Composing Prayers
Part Two: Prayers
The Gift You Are Think of Yourself As a Gift of the Universe</em
The Flower That Shattered the Stone Trusting the power within us
All Is One Everything and everyone is connected
Personifying the Great Mystery Pointers to the beyond
Come on Home What lies at the heart of our being?
Embedded Wisdom We know the path to progress
Advent What are we longing and hoping for?
Christmas Who is this child for us?
New Year Moving beyond our comfort zone
First and Foremost Working for a better world
Light Let your own light shine
Human Like Us Being fully human is more than enough
The Cost Paying a price for what is right
Perseverance Standing firm in the face of opposition
Ash Wednesday From stardust to human
The Power of Story Giving thanks for storytellers
Palm Sunday What “following Jesus” really means
Holy Thursday A human story of hope and trust
Good Friday Let us not lose sight of Jesus who leads us in our faith
Easter The seasons of life
Being God-Conscious Becoming more mindful
Pentecost Celebrating the “Spirit” in everyone
Nella Fantasia Our shared human longing for the world
Forgiveness Prayer Drawing strength from within.
Baptism Celebrating the wonder of new life
Wedding The wonder of human love
Death Living on beyond death
Suicide Funeral reflection and prayer
Prayer and Children Deepening Awareness of the Great Mystery
Prayer of Petition One with everyone and everything
Sickness and dying Prayers with the sick; prayers with the dying
Facing Reality A reflection on progressive religious thinking
About the Author
With over 40 years’ experience as a sought-after retreat leader and educator, Michael Morwood is well known around the world. Bishop John Shelby Spong writes: “Michael Morwood…is raising the right and obvious questions that all Christians must face. He provides fresh and perceptive possibilities for a modern and relevant faith.” With a dozen books to his name (two of which were banned before he resigned from the Catholic priesthood), Morwood brings an extensive background in spirituality to what he sees as the urgent need to reshape Christian thinking for a new millennium.
Be sure to visit Michael Morwood’s website by clicking HERE.