• By Published On: December 23, 2015

    Why do we care so deeply for the child born to Mary and Joseph in a Bethlehem cave and not the millions of other children born into a poverty of one kind or another? Is it because of who he became, or simply because we can only care for one person at a time?

  • By Published On: July 27, 2015

    The Cathedral of Hope, a congregation of the United Church of Christ, is based in Dallas, Texas, and is the world's largest liberal Christian church with a primary outreach to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Local and national church ministries, outreach programs, pastoral counseling, television media and the internet touch thousands of lives each day.

  • By Published On: November 10, 2014

    Traditional churches have resisted the substantive change necessary to remain relevant in the modern world. There is a huge chasm between the higher biblical criticism and liberation theology of most seminaries and what is actually proclaimed from the pulpits of American churches. This is true, in large part because ministers are afraid of losing their jobs and parishioners want to hold onto the magical thinking that has helped them to cope with the vicissitudes of life.

  • By Published On: July 28, 2014

    On this summer Sunday, Mark Andrew Nouwen shares about his fundamentalist Christian background, which included countless church services and immersing himself in the Christian sub-culture. He shares how, near the end of Bible College, he eventually questioned and then rejected many of the tenets of fundamentalist Christianity. He concludes by sharing a new vision of what Christianity could be today and the beliefs he holds dear.

  • By Published On: February 25, 2014

    We all belong. We are each one a part of the Temple of God. Paul wants the church at Corinth to recognize that they all belong to one another, and that it is foolish to divide and polarize around certain leaders. Paul argues that there is no place in the church for petty jealousies and pride.

  • written by Brian Brown

    By Published On: January 16, 2014

    Progressive Christianity is for me somewhat like taking that leap of faith to what writer Hal Taussig calls “A new spiritual home” For some of us, at least, it feels like that. It involves jumping a credibility gap that has opened up for the Christian Church; a credibility gap that goes back a long way. It’s there in the Bible readings: the difference between the behaviour of the Israelites in the Promised Land and the behaviour that was required of them according to the teaching of God and the ways in which they had been nurtured and led. It’s also there in the teachings of Jesus.

  • By Published On: November 18, 2013

    This is Bishop Spong's first lecture in the "Future of the Progressive Church" conference held on August 3, 2013 at the Community Christian Church in Springfield, MO

  • By Published On: November 18, 2013

    The dogged refusal of traditional religions to give up Bronze Age magical thinking and doctrines will continue to make religion increasingly irrelevant in the 21st century. If the church has a future it will be because we are willing to undergo a radical transformation, being more passionate about what is true than what we have read in ancient documents. We need to be connected to one another in order to be effective in changing the world and we need meaningful connection to others to correct our own excesses. We can become better people through working together for justice, peace and mercy.

  • Community Christian Church of Springfield

    By Published On: April 28, 2013

    It is not an easy message for people to take in. Think about who in modern history has tried to get people to live together in peace, to end violence and prejudice and discrimination... President Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Medger Evers, MalcolmX, Martin Luther King, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Oscar Romero....all tried to heal the division of the north and the south, Hindus and Muslims, Blacks and Whites, the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak.


9 resources found

Almost Heretical

I am God

Beyond Religion

Sophia Institute

The Way

Study Guide

Mystic Bible

Joyful Path