The Last Train to Nowhere
We live on a fast-moving train
of plans, schedules, routines, and habits.
The moment we think about our day, we’re on board.
This train never actually goes anywhere,
though it takes on many passengers and tasks,
fills up the years of our lives, then
drops us off disguised as old people.
But sometimes, along the way,
we get off the train
and, startled by beauty,
question the whole routine.
Then we board again and forget.
But try this once in a while:
get off the train,
go outside
to meet a tree or child or breeze.
Ask your soul what it wants most.
John Robinson is a clinical psychologist with a second doctorate in ministry, an ordained interfaith minister, the author of ten books and numerous articles on the psychology, spirituality, and mysticism of the New Aging, and a frequent speaker at Conscious Aging Conferences across the country. Click here to see his books and articles – visit his website here.