The Tarrying Place

This project is a direct outgrowth of the work of the Sojourner Truth Leadership Circle (STLC) whose mission is to help Black women-folx embody STLC’s twin mantras:

Self-care is a mandate for prophetic leadership.

Social justice movements will no longer happen on the backs or over the dead bodies of Black women.

The Tarrying Place represents the wit and wisdom of the community of more than one hundred women-folx who make up our ever-expanding Circle, each of whom is engaged in their own life’s journey to activist-centered self and community care reflected in our guiding mantras.




We will begin populating portals with content that corresponds to the five elements.

An image of a beautiful tree that represents grounding, which is what our exercises, experiences and meditations in Earth will provide.

Find your grounding in Earth.

This portal contains exercises, experiences and meditations that ground individuals and groups in the core principles of STLC.

Check back soon for additional resources from our other elemental portals

An illustration of a black woman's hands holding water


Dive deep into our many truths and wade toward healing together


An illustration of a black woman's hands holding a spirit


Conjure and create new words, new rituals, new worlds


An illustration of a black woman's hands holding a horn with gusts of wind.


Dream revolutionary dreams


An illustration of a black woman's hand holding a lit torch, indicating fire and aliveness.


Stoke the fires of our passion for Black Aliveness


Lisa Anderson, founder of The Tarrying Place and Sojourner Truth leadership circle, speaking in front of a group of black women.

Launched in 2013, STLC is a comprehensive program whose mission is to make the ordinary care of the bodies, minds and spirits of Black women a priority in their own lives—and within the social justice spaces where Black women leaders disproportionately serve.

All of our work is steeped in the lived experience and intellectual expression of Black women.

We are rooted in Audre Lorde’s ground-breaking idea that caring for ourselves is a revolutionary act, and organized around the guiding mantra that:

Self-care is a mandate for prophetic leadership.

STLC converts these core values into a practical program for Black women leaders of faith and moral courage to use in their own lives and with the vulnerable communities they serve.


Visit The Tarrying Place website here

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