We Can’t Stop Asking Questions

From a very different culture,

Flowing from some ancient place,

Stories in our sacred scripture

Authored by a diff’rent race.


Yet we search for understanding

Not in any literal way;

Finding meaning is demanding;

We’ve moved on from yesterday.


Where is heaven in our cosmos?

Is some hell just round the bend?

Is there order or just chaos?

Does faith help us comprehend?


Darwin’s process of selection

Gives rise to humanity;

Modern thought should prompt reflection

On Nicaea’s trinity.


Shall we ever limit questions?

Stop our probing; asking “Why?”

Unafraid of new suggestions;

We shall search until we die!


Tune: Stuttgart (Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus) or other


George Stuart has several self-published volumes of new lyrics to well-known hymn tunes.  Check out his website at sites.google.com/site/george007site or email him at george.stuart@exemail.com.au



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