After twenty-four years in the Evangelical movement, Phil Davis decided to leave his “first faith.” It was not a decision he took lightly. In Leaving God for God, Davis takes us on his journey to de-program himself and open himself to the God beyond any one religion.
“I don’t love God.” Little did Gen-Z seminarian Katie Westcott know that when she made that confession to English professor Martin Bonham one fine summer day it would throw the quiet campus of Cupperton University into an uproar. Nothing would be the same again. Together, this unlikely pair of oddballs poses this question: What if students could major in “loving God”—not religion or theology, but in the daily challenge of loving the Creator with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength? Well, now they can … in the new and innovative Department of Theophily—the department of loving God. Yet, strangely enough, not everyone is happy about the new department, and they will stop at nothing to see it shut down. … Part sitcom, part inspiration, this thoughtful theological comedy is like a Venn diagram in which C. S. Lewis and P. G. Wodehouse intersect.
Can you feel your faith slipping away? Are you or a loved one questioning what you’ve always believed? If you’re wondering whether there’s life on the other side of deconversion, or if you’re trying desperately to understand a loved one who is losing their faith—this book is for you.
The Gospel of John has long fascinated readers with its poetic language, theological depth, and enigmatic characters. Among these, the "Beloved Disciple" stands out as a figure shrouded in mystery. Who was this disciple? What was their relationship with Jesus? And why does their identity remain anonymous?
Apparently, we all have what is called a “default mode setting” in our brains. “That is where all the self-representational processes take place: I’m thinking about myself, my time, my goals, my strivings, my checklist.” The first discovery was that all this self-centered activity quiets down when we experience awe.
Week 5: Video Companion to "A 52-Week Progressive Christian Devotional"
Transformation ought to be an essential part of Christianity, but all too often, it isn't. Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb Lines discusses how we must embrace change to experience true transformation.
The authentic Paul is the Paul of his "authentic" letters, the letters he actually wrote. While Paul has always been viewed--after Jesus--as the major personality in the shaping of the early Christian Church, at the same time, he has been widely criticized--mostly for what people assume to be his views on women, slavery, and hierarchy in the church-- based on letters Paul did not write. Paul's detractors have also accused him of distorting the message of Jesus with their lofty teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and with Jesus' personal commitment to social justice. One of the theses of this book is that, in fact, Paul and Jesus have much in common. Indeed, more than distorting the message of Jesus, Paul's teachings appear to complement Jesus' message. Having said this, it is the author's thesis that Paul has been largely misunderstood and is deserving of a fresh hearing. Simply put, he deserves to be understood and evaluated based on the letters he actually wrote and distinctly not on letters attributed to him but which he did not write.
Beyond the chaos of Trump's authoritarianism
In the ongoing drumbeat of this "era of Trump," as Christians and as "we the people," we need to remind ourselves--again and again--how "we're all in this life together." Always, there is more that unites us than divides us. Trump has a lot invested in us not believing this.
The news is bad here in Washington, DC — from the traumatizing executive order two days ago to the plane crash and pretty much everything in between. Like me, you might be feeling the sadness and stress of the day. And so, I’m sharing about my walk along the Potomac and a poem from this morning. I hope you’ll take a few minutes and listen.
Notes From The Study of The Progressive Professor
It seems beyond doubt that the tech billionaires are motivated by greed and that the rest of the MAGA club is motivated by racism. They swear at each other, insult each other, and vow to fight to the finish. But it’s all a distraction, whether they know it or not.
It’s a well-known fact that Christianity is slowly dying in the West. While there are many factors contributing to this decline, the most significant one is biblical belief. More and more people are finding the beliefs outlined in the Bible unbelievable. As a result, the time has come to have a conversation on what a post-biblical Christian faith might look like. This book begins that conversation.
We must acknowledge the bold persistence of Donald Trump that won over nearly 50% of American voters in 2024, despite concerns about his lack of humanity or character and his disrespect for the constitution and the rule of law. The big questions for those of us on the losing side are about how to move forward.
Queer Sacred Music Collection
The text is meant to acknowledge both our humility in the face of human frailty and our hope of grace, acceptance, and compassion.
his video sets out to debunk ideas linking what is "Natural" with puritanical admonitions of morality. Being "natural" or somehow like animals does not equate with clean or moral living. The video draws on historical Christian examples and what we know as scientific facts to make the case.
Perception is not a one-way street, wherein all the information comes from the outside and informs a blank slate brain. We come to everything with memories, expectations and hopes, and these predispositions encourage us to pick and choose, to pay attention to, and to neglect certain sensory information.
Week 4: Video Companion to "A 52-Week Progressive Christian Devotional"
Transformation ought to be an essential part of Christianity, but all too often, it isn't. Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb Lines discusses how we must embrace change to experience true transformation.
Live from Uptown Tavern on January 19, 2025!
Join Mark and Caleb for this live recording as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of Disney's latest Star Wars live-action serial: Skeleton Crew.
The fires in Los Angeles are a disaster and another warning
Yes, there are always fires in California. But those fires are rarely in the middle of a city. We have never seen anything like this in modern times. There have been devastating urban fires in history like the Great Fire of London in 1666 or the Chicago fire of 1871.
a prison sermon on the "good" Samaritan
Maybe, just maybe this parable has more to it than the Samaritan was good so we should be good in order to inherit eternal life. Because if anyone was saved in this story it was not the one who managed to do the right thing. The one who was actually saved in this parable was the one who couldn’t manage to do ANYTHING because he was half dead in a ditch.
A spiritual warrior takes care of his or her body and soul in order to be strong. And a spiritual warrior knows what he or she stands for, refines it, and finds allies for the resistance.
Every story must have a beginning and an end. The better stories also have a cohering middle, theme, or context that holds their beginning and end together. The same holds true for a life story
Notes From The Study of The Progressive Professor
Human attitude toward land is two-sided. We always want more, that’s one side, but once we get it, we don’t take very good care of it. That’s the second. Beginning with the wanting more, the search for good land and what it can provide has always been a driving force in human history.
In John 11:3, Lazarus is referred to as the one Jesus loves. In Greek, the word used here for ‘loves’ is phileis, but the word for ‘loved’ in verse 5, ‘Jesus loved Martha and her sister Mary and Lazarus,’ is egapa. Therefore, Jesus has a different kind of love for Lazarus on his own.
For years, I thought Christian ethics were based on the Ten Commandments or the Golden Rule. Most Christians feel the same. That presents a couple of huge problems.
Notes From The Study of The Progressive Professor
One lesson learned during the pandemic was that we are all “essential workers.” We function as an integrated web of builders, truck drivers, doctors, painters, teachers, and librarians. Some will have more wealth than others, but no one should live in the fear of poverty or with the stigma that you are not important and essential to the functioning of society.
Week 3: Video Companion to "A 52-Week Progressive Christian Devotional"
Transformation ought to be an essential part of Christianity, but all too often, it isn't. Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb Lines discusses how we must embrace change to experience true transformation.
It started with Jesus. After his death, his inner circle of followers called the disciples, along with other followers, continued his extensive call to care for and love others. They were called to a ministry of service.
Attempting to cope with an ever-increasing flow and flood of information, knowledge, and data, we skim and scan, instead of deep reading and absorption. David Robson weaves numerous thoughtful and stimulating viewpoints from other noted experts combined with his timely insights into how our world was affected by the shift to a post-modernism society. This substantial work was written after years of research, study, and contemplation with the goal of stimulating each reader on their own path of spiritual awareness and personal growth.
Week 2: Video Companion to "A 52-Week Progressive Christian Devotional"
Transformation ought to be an essential part of Christianity, but all too often, it isn't. Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb Lines discusses how we must embrace change to experience true transformation.
My heart sank when I heard that John B. Cobb, Jr. died on December 26, 2024. I’m told that he died peacefully, surrounded by family. John was one of the greatest theologians of our time, and his influence upon me is immeasurable.
We must not forget the fighting spirit of Governors Newsom, Pritzker, Hochul and many others. All of this, I say, is a sign for hope. Although we may often feel alone and discouraged with what appears on the horizon, a new era may now be opening.
Week 1: Video Companion to "A 52-Week Progressive Christian Devotional"
Transformation ought to be an essential part of Christianity, but all too often, it isn't. Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb Lines discusses how we must embrace change to experience true transformation.
Today—and it seems like for forever—the geopolitical dynamics in Palestine/Israel/Gaza are complicated, mired in conflict about land, identity, and belonging. The West didn’t help. Christianity has not helped.
An important part of the work of ProgressiveChristianity.Org is to make sense of the teachings of Jesus for the modern world. We present a vision of the Christian faith that is radically inclusive, with a focus on economic and social justice, as well as a commitment to resolve conflict with nonviolent means. That is our work—to present these values to the members of our churches and to anyone outside them willing to listen.
Have you ever noticed that organized religion has historically been a major force in the oppression of women? Have you ever wondered why? The battle over abortion being waged in America today, with the support of both the Vatican and the religious right, is simply the latest chapter in this perennial war.
A Different Kind of Gift-exchange
“The lack of everlasting peace in the Holy Land is a deeply complex issue, rooted in a combination of historical, religious, cultural, political, and social factors.”
Strengthen your connection to God—a year of powerful devotions for men. Even in the busiest week, there’s always a moment to connect with God.
Christmas of 2024 is a time of prayers for peace and justice in the world at a time when international conflicts are highly volatile and American leaders are more concerned about their own wealth and power. There is always room for hope that some of the Scrooges will have Marley insights that lead to conversion—that even evangelical Christians will rediscover Jesus’s message that the best way to show dedication to God is by loving neighbors as ourselves.
I watched Giovanni's interview on iOne Digital wearing a T-shirt that said, "I write banned books." During the interview, she talked about getting old, finding joy, and, of course, banned books. I LOVED Nikki Giovanni long before I LOVED Toni Morrison. During the Black Arts and Black Panther eras, I grew up listening and grooving to Giovanni's voice on scratchy vinyl albums as she read her poems.
This season of the return of Light (Solstice) and the miracle of Light (Hanukkah) and the announcement of angels of doxa or glory and the birth of Christ incarnated (Christmas) and birthing community based on principles that are light-filled (Kwanzaa) promises a certain enlightenment to humanity for sure.
So, who is mostly responsible for electing Trump? White, churchgoing Americans. In spite of the fact that Trump violates everything Jesus stood for, including love, mercy, kindness, honesty, marital fidelity, compassion, character, decency, justice, humility, care for the sick, welcome of the stranger, and the list goes on and on.
Week 52: Video Companion to "A 52-Week Progressive Christian Devotional"
Transformation ought to be an essential part of Christianity, but all too often, it isn't. Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb Lines discusses how we must embrace change to experience true transformation.
As Christmas comes, tradition reminds us of the cycles of seasons and history and the timeless nature of some stories. Advent is the perfect time to reflect on our 2020 podcast discussion with John Dominic Crossan about his book with the late Marcus Borg, “The First Christmas.”
The story of Christmas has yet to end, and continues in the goodness and goodwill of our everyday lives. It may be that there are others such as he in different times and places, in distant galaxies or on the other side of earth, but for us, right here and right now, we are given a light, and a hope-certainty that loving-kindness is our truth and our destiny.
Each litany begins by telling the truth about a world that is all too barren of hope, peace, joy, and love. And then, after the candle has been lit, we cry out with all people of faith — past, present, and future — that God is, even now, coming into the world!
Skeleton Crew
Join Mark and Caleb for this live recording as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of Disney's latest Star Wars live-action serial: Skeleton Crew.
Braided Way has featured many essays and poems by John over the years. He is the author of a dozen books combining psychology, social change, and soul work. He joins us to talk about his newest book.
Week 51: Video Companion to "A 52-Week Progressive Christian Devotional"
Transformation ought to be an essential part of Christianity, but all too often, it isn't. Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb Lines discusses how we must embrace change to experience true transformation.
Service and Gathering PlanningProgressiveChristianity.org2023-11-17T00:32:43-08:00
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