Week 37 Video Companion to "A 52-Week Progressive Christian Devotional"
Week 37: Transformation ought to be an essential part of Christianity, but all too often, it isn't. In this week's video Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines explores how embracing change can lead to true transformation.
Embark on a transformative journey through 13 powerful themes like diversity, eco-spirituality, mental health, LGBTQ+ inclusion, science, questioning beliefs, and more. Each devotional includes scripture, a reflection on the theme from a progressive Christian perspective, questions for personal reflection or group discussion, and a spiritual practice.
How simplicity can save us and our world
Based on the Lectionary readings for Year B from the Hebrew Scriptures and the Gospels
Even and especially in these difficult times, the Lenten journey can be an encouraging, enlightening path to hope, resilience, and new life.
A collection of holiday opportunities for spiritual retreat.
Looking for a spiritual retreat to tide you over in quiet contemplation during the holy days leading up to Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year's Day, and Epiphany? Here are many choices — some Christian and inclusive, others multifaith — from which you can find a perfect match for your needs.
With Andrew Harvey
40 days & 40 nights: A Journey of Prayer and Contemplation
A Social Justice Devotional
A hopeful and Christ-centered devotional for Christians who know social justice to be a good and holy endeavor
Let us feast on simple pleasures, and fast from all that gets our bodies and souls out of balance.
(and everyone else!)
Every so often, I put out a "musing" that is a guide to my writings and videos. It's that time when churches make plans for their program year, so this is a good moment to share links to my materials for worship, study, and spiritual practice. Use freely. All I ask is attribution!
Anyone who isn't prepared to do the intense work that is required to become love in action, is allowing the dark to destroy the planet.
~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D.
My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now.
I Pray Anyway. Devotions for the Ambivalent by Joyce Wilson-Sanford is comprised of 365 daily reflections and 12 monthly personal stories. It tells of the author’s return to a prayer/devotions practice as she shares her own very naked, very funny, very touching prayers and reflections.
When you have an experience and tell the story of that experience to someone, something sacred happens inside of you. That experience doesn’t have to be an extravagant moment, but it can be beautiful, nonetheless. And as you store up all those stories and share them, you grow your world’s boundaries. You build community and remind yourself that every moment of your life counts for something holy, good, and glorious.
Is resurrection just a story Or is it the uncovering of our sight Some of the greatest followers Did not recognize the one they once knew
Year C (E-Delivery)
This special 4-week Advent Study offers an exploration of the season using rich visual art and music. Many congregations choose to mark these Sundays with the lighting of candles in the Advent wreath, balancing the dark days of winter with the promise of a coming spring.
Year B (E-Delivery)
This special 4-week Advent Study offers an exploration of the season using rich visual art and music. Many congregations choose to mark these Sundays with the lighting of candles in the Advent wreath, balancing the dark days of winter with the promise of a coming spring.
Daily Reflections on a New Way to Experience and Practice the Christian Faith
Based on his book We Make The Road By Walking, Brian D. McLaren presents a 52-week devotional to inspire and activate you in your spiritual journey. If you're a seeker exploring Christianity, if you're a long-term believer feeling downtrodden, if your faith seems to be a lot of talk without much practice, here you'll find a reorientation from a fresh and healthy perspective.
Calling all Lovers of Creation, Social and Environmental Activists, Mystic Explorers, Sacred Earth Keepers
On Mother’s Day May 2019, in honor of Gaia, our wounded Mother Earth, I and a dedicated team of helpers, launched a series of FREE daily meditations to support your being and your work. Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox supports your inner and outer work, your contemplation and your action, your mystical and prophetic vocations.
But the Bible is not just a sacred book It is also human book full of the writings of the spiritually young who only partly understood
We respond in awe to our life in God’s realm. The Essence of Creation encompasses us,
Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
What do I believe? It is simple really I believe there is something much much bigger than I I call that something God, or the Sacred One, although I am not sure that an anthropomorphic image of God is helpful.
My mind is a maze with the turns of the journey The wise men wandered while aimed at the star Their ears had the form of the wings of the angels Attuned to the music they sang from afar
Discussion and Workshop for I Pray Anyway: Devotions for the Ambivalent
PLAYbook for I Pray Anyway: Devotions for the Ambivalent is a creative, thought provoking guide/curriculum based on the book I PrayY Anyway: Devotions for the Ambivalent by Joyce Wilson-Sanford.
Be completely humble and gentle Be patient forgiving one another in love
Interfaith Mindfulness-Based Contemplative Prayer
Contemplatio Interfaith Mindfulness-Based Contemplative Prayer by James Burklo on August 16, 2018 | No Reviews or Comments 0 A 12th c French Catholic Christian monk, Guigo II, described the spiritual life as climbing a ladder. The steps were lectio, meditatio, oratio, and contemplatio – reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation. This “ladder” has defined Catholic Christian spiritual discipline ever since. An ancient practice, employed increasingly today in churches both Catholic and Protestant, is called “Lectio Divina”. It follows Guigo’s four steps.
Grace is less to be identified with being unaffected by all that is going on around us, and more with being moved by the Spirit to work for peace and justice for all out of loving others as we love ourselves.
“My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, For he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant…”
Mary Magdalene was the first person, male or female, to witness the empty tomb…the first to see angels who reported the resurrection…the