Swing version of my stewardship hymn From Our Abundance We Give. Appropriate for inclusive Christian, Unitarian Universalist, and other congregations.
We do it over and over again – week in and week out. We can only face these proverbial dragons with your help. Please consider being a sustaining donor or, if that isn't financially reasonable for you, make a one-time donation and honor the mothers in your life. Thank you.
For many people, and certainly for the business community, the Christmas season is over by New Years day. But the traditional Christian calendar actually extends Christmas until January 6, which begins the season of Epiphany. Hence, the “Twelve days of Christmas” as enumerated in the popular song.
We begin to wind down our Annual Fundraising Campaign with an appeal to our members to help keep ProgressiveChristianity.org a strong voice for the values Jesus taught: love, kindness and generosity.
At ProgressiveChristianity.org, we strive to give you resources so that you can engage with these questions on a deeper level, personally or within your faith community. However, to continue to do this, we need your support. This Advent, we hope that you’ll consider supporting the work of ProgressiveChristianity.org.
Creator, as I prepare to go into the world, help me to see the sacrament in the wearing of this cloth -
The world is in need of a balm. The health of its people is not being attended to in a manner that it needs – in a manner that it deserves. Biblically, in a manner that is required.
"When someone tells me that they believe the Bible is the literal and inerrant word of God, I always ask, "Have you ever read it?" ~ Bishop John Shelby Spong
Will you join us in making a difference for children all over the world? Today, children are seriously undernourished when it comes to
Progressive Christianity is a unique and beautiful movement. It is a vital landing space for hundreds of thousands of humans around the world. Though small, it is growing. And there continues to be a very large percentage of people in this world that consider themselves Christian. At some point many of those will question what they are being told in church. Many will find that the theology presented in their church does not match their understanding of science and/or their values. And they will, perhaps, consider leaving their church. But many will not if their isn’t a better alternative. People who have Christianity in their heritage, their culture, and their traditions are often not ready to straight up leave Christianity all together.
We offer this timepiece on a day that ushers in a new era for all protectors and people alike. An era that will need music to act as the thread between front lines and front doors. Stay in the prayer. We stand with you. For all our relations.
In May 2017, people from all over the world will gather in Portland, Oregon to share knowledge and wisdom, learn from each other, celebrate, be inspired, and find the tools needed to create and enliven local movements within our communities. Together we will explore sacred oneness, Christ consciousness, eco-spirituality, social justice and the way of universal and personal transformation that honors the Divine in all.
Your Legacy of Values
An ethical will, or legacy letter, is a way to share your values, blessings, life’s lessons, hopes and dreams for the future, love, and forgiveness with your family, friends, and community.
Find out how you can participate in creating a new economic system that helps humanity to live in harmony with each other and the planet: Sustainable Human.com
When people think about being more environmentally responsible, the first topics that come to mind usually involve transportation habits, utilities usage and food consumption. These are all very important. However, there is another area that we often overlook: Clothing. Almost every decision we make about clothing can have an impact on other people as well as on the earth we all share. In honor of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, I offer the following. These are all very practical suggestions, but they can also be a gateway to a deeper spiritual exploration. See in these tips a nudge to focus, simplify, contemplate and rest. They can help us tune in better to our relationship with the earth and with our fellow humans.
As in any art form, as we release judgment, silence our mind, breathe deep into the process, and find bliss in each step; we realize that we are boundlessly assisted in our authentic and heart-centered expression. We step out of the way. We realize that the Art is not born of us, but through us, and in this understanding we are humbled, yet profoundly empowered. Each creation is an offering: a positive reflection of ourselves and humanity, a celebration of evolving consciousness, an opportunity for healing and deepening, a vision of a bright future and Now.
768 million people still live without access to clean water. Thanks to artistic collaboration between Marya Stark, Ra.be Ball and Tyson Leonard, every penny generated by sales of this single fund a project very near to our hearts.