Vigils are being held regionally and all over the world to protest the horrific war in Israel. Pro-Israeli and Pro-Palestinian advocates are demanding their people’s plights be heard.
Decades ago, I wrote a blessing prayer for this season that began with a reference to nothing but a flicker of hope in “the fading glory of these autumn days, when night creeps early on to darkness; and leaves us, bound in shadows, longing for the light.” And yet, it remains that flicker of hope that I want to write about.
The religious traditions of the world affirm that we should treat others as we wish to be treated, but too often our laws are cruel.
Holy One, lover of all, knowing that you desire that all people should live in joy and wellness, we ask today for strength and guidance in the work we do to build a just and peaceful society.
Can it be, the Divine comes to walk with us on the road of our doubts, our pain, our brokenness?
Throughout my ministerial service, numerous people have expressed to me their discomfort and disagreement with the language of the "Lord's Prayer." For years I didn't 'get it,' and I used the "traditional" version (which, of course, is not Jesus' words as he did not speak English).
I'm inviting folks to engage with 14 of the questions that Jesus asked his followers during his ministry. From Ash Wednesday, 2/22, through Easter
with Alexis Pauline Gumbs
It is our hope that our time together nourished your spirits and inspired your work as the change agents, healers and light workers that you are.
If God is God, then how can we forgive him for not using his powers to spare us from the misery and pain this life often brings?
This collection of prayers comes from a decidedly progressive Christian point of view. They are more about changing us and changing the world than about changing God's mind and getting a particular set of actions from God.
But not in that passive-aggressive "well, bless their heart" kind of way.
We had our Synod Assembly yearly meeting with the bishop of all clergy and lay leaders and I am aware of how exhausted the clergy are right now. (And I am sure… all other helping professions.) So here is a blessing for my colleagues.
Children's Curriculum 6 to 10 Yrs Old - Classroom or Home Schooling
Are you searching for a way to connect children with an authentic spiritual experience that is inter-spiritual, creative and multi-layered? A Joyful Path is truly progressive Christian curriculum that is inclusive, joy-full, compassionate, and intelligent.
Are you searching for a way to connect children with an authentic spiritual experience that is inter-spiritual, creative and multi-layered? "A Joyful Path" is truly progressive Christian curriculum that is inclusive, joy-full, compassionate, and intelligent.
Children's Curriculum 6 to 10 Yrs Old - Classroom or Home Schooling
In A Joyful Path, Year Two, we focus on some of the main tenets of Progressive Christianity and Spirituality, giving our children the foundation they need to walk the path of Jesus in today's world. It has stories and affirmations written to help children clarify their own personal beliefs while staying open to the wisdom of other traditions.
Children's Curriculum 6 to 10 Yrs Old - Classroom or Home Schooling
Are you searching for a way to connect children with an authentic spiritual experience that is inter-spiritual, creative and multi-layered? "A Joyful Path" is truly progressive Christian curriculum that is inclusive, joy-full, compassionate, and intelligent.
Year A - Set 1
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT MIDDLE SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Yr B - Set 1
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT MIDDLE SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Year C - Set 1
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT MIDDLE SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Years A, B, C - Set 1
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT MIDDLE SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Year A - Set 2
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT MIDDLE SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Yr B - Set 2
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT MIDDLE SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Year C - Set 2
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT MIDDLE SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Years A, B, C - Set 2
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT MIDDLE SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Year A - Set 1
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT HIGH SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Year B - Set 1
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT HIGH SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Year C - Set 1
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT HIGH SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Years A,B,C - Set 1
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT HIGH SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Year A - Set 2
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT HIGH SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Year B - Set 2
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT HIGH SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.
Year C - Set 2
The lectionary-based TEENTEXT HIGH SCHOOL resource helps older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource--one that can inform them throughout their lives.