In the Passion, Jesus laid bare the way that God’s children have used the death of the innocent to distance themselves from their own dependence on violence.
at Intensive Journal Workshops
The Intensive Journal method is a series of integrated writing exercises about different areas of your life (i.e. personal relationships, body and health, life history, dreams and imagery, meaning in life, etc.) that are designed to help you get to know yourself better.
The Tarrying Place represents the wit and wisdom of the community of more than one hundred women-folx who make up our ever-expanding Circle, each of whom is engaged in their own life’s journey to activist-centered self and community care reflected in our guiding mantras.
A collection of holiday opportunities for spiritual retreat.
Looking for a spiritual retreat to tide you over in quiet contemplation during the holy days leading up to Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year's Day, and Epiphany? Here are many choices — some Christian and inclusive, others multifaith — from which you can find a perfect match for your needs.
Spiral Bound
This study guide can be used for small group study, intentional communities, conferences, or any group who would like to delve more deeply into the history and the process of living out the core teachings of Jesus. There are discussion questions and space after each point for groups to come up with their own thoughts and ideas.
PDF Version
This study guide can be used for small group study, intentional communities, conferences, or any group who would like to delve more deeply into the history and the process of living out the core teachings of Jesus. There are discussion questions and space after each point for groups to come up with their own thoughts and ideas.
Christian Spirituality and Shamanism as Pathways for Wholeness and Understanding
What can Christianity learn from Shamanism? What can Shamanism learn from Christianity? The conversation starts here…
A month's worth of practices to explore the many moods and meanings of winter, including its pristine beauty and its many opportunities for playfulness.
The great Christian monk Thomas Merton once compared the spiritual life to the search for a path in a field of untrodden snow: "Walk across the snow and there is your path."
A practice for individuals and churches
You can “walk” these stations by practicing one station per day, from March 20 through Good Friday, April 2 – or at any other time or manner during Lent (Ash Wednesday, February 17, until Easter Sunday, April 4).
Many people have left the church, or never entered it at all, because they think it is irrelevant. Some people have stayed in the church, not knowing why, because they think it is irrelevant. Those two groups are the people for whom I wrote this manual.
This book provides the opportunity to consider and examine one's life choices by becoming familiar with the attitudes of a famous leader. Any accomplished and admired leader could have been chosen, but the author chose the first century man Jesus, using the work of contemporary historians and scholars.
(and everyone else!)
Every so often, I put out a "musing" that is a guide to my writings and videos. It's that time when churches make plans for their program year, so this is a good moment to share links to my materials for worship, study, and spiritual practice. Use freely. All I ask is attribution!
By Mark Nepo
Philosopher-poet and cancer survivor Mark Nepo opens a new season of freedom and joy—an escape from deadening, asleep-at-the wheel sameness—that is both profound and clarifying.
The practice of Christianity is going through a transition that is deeper than the Reformation. The Thinking Christian explores two main questions:
Annually, for several years, I visited the monastery of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, a beautiful compound north of downtown Tucson. I was amazed at the physical, mental, and spiritual liveliness of these mostly older women, and the level of their engagement with the world despite their mostly cloistered way of life.
Each day you will receive a different email message from this enlightened hot mind. Every day the one who is eternally alive will throw a ray of his light into the depths of your life. Every day a different facet of the comprehensive revelation I have described will flash its brilliance into your soul.
Here are some of our resources about racism and the global protests in the wake of George Floyd's death while being restrained
As many of us spend more time in the virtual world and centers pivot to create supportive online offerings, we discover it is possible to share love, learning and connection in this way.
I hold in my consciousness two previously unimaginable opposites; on the one hand the possible even likely extinction of humanity and on the other, the potential for our unimaginable birth of a new embodied divine humanity, the mutation realized and resplendent.
One stays close to one’s spirituality during chaotic times first by staying connected to one’s body. And therefore the earth and the cosmos. It is very important to put things into context and the context for our existence is not the chaos and even evil that is swirling about us.
During our shelter-in-place it is feels right to gather in Community. So with the help of The Grand Council, Diane and I decided to offer a series of FREE fireside chats and meditations called: Wednesday Evenings with The Grand Council
Anyone who isn't prepared to do the intense work that is required to become love in action, is allowing the dark to destroy the planet.
An index of resources posted each day on the Spirituality & Practice homepage — practices, readings, films, quotes, and more to help you navigate these times.
Spiritual practices to disarm fear and uncertainty, use while taking preventative measures, handle social distancing and quarantine, be present with illness, and sustain hope.
According to the Torah, on the Sabbath you can pick up an apple that naturally falls from a tree onto the ground, but you can’t pick it from the tree. Mindful Christian meditative prayer practice is very similar. In it, we take time to see things as they are, without interfering with them or trying to fix or change them.
When you have an experience and tell the story of that experience to someone, something sacred happens inside of you. That experience doesn’t have to be an extravagant moment, but it can be beautiful, nonetheless. And as you store up all those stories and share them, you grow your world’s boundaries. You build community and remind yourself that every moment of your life counts for something holy, good, and glorious.
The Center for Open and Relational Theology exists to promote... open and relational thinking, networking among like-minded people, projects that build upon or advance open and relational ideas, announce news, and provide open and relational theology resources.
Complaining is like bad breath – you notice it when it comes out of someone else's mouth, but not when it out of your own. My words: Complaining gets in the way of our finding gratitude with what is.
Work out your faith and renew hope through our film library of spiritual leaders and contemplative pieces.